Final Project Milestone 2 – Jake Marsico

Assignment,Final Project,Max,Uncategorized — jmarsico @ 1:21 pm


The Shoot

This past weekend I finished the video shoot with The Moon Baby. Over the course of three and a half hours, we shot over 80 clips. A key part of the project was to build a portrait rig that would allow the subject to register her face at the beginning of every clip. The first prototype of this rig consisted of a two way mirror that had registration marks on it. The mirror prototype proved to be inaccurate.

The second prototype, which we used for the shoot, relied on a direct video feed from the video camera, a projector and a projection surface with a hole cut out for the camera to look through.



At the center of this rig was a max/msp/jitter patch that overlayed a live feed from the video camera on top of a still “register image”. This way, the subject was able to see her face as the camera saw it, and line up her eyes, nose, mouth and makeup with a constant still image. See an image of the patch below:



The patch relied on Blair Neal’s Canon2Syphon application, which pulls video from the Canon dslr’s usb cable and places it into a syphon stream.  That stream is then picked up by the max/msp/jitter patch.

Here is a diagram of the entire projection rig:

Woo portrait setup

Soon into the shoot, we realized a flaw with the system: the Canon camera isn’t able to record video to its CF card while its video feed is being sent to the computer.  As a result, we had to unplug the camera after the subject registered her face, record the clip, then plug the camera back in.  We also had to close and reopen Canon2Syphon after each clip was recorded.


Wide shot of the entire setup.


To light the subject, I used a combination of DMX-controlled fluorescent and LED lights along with several flags, reflectors and diffusers.




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