3D Printer Flow Chains

My 3D print works were explorations into the Rhino 4.0 command “FlowAlongSrf”.  This unique command takes three dimensional geometry and uses a reference surface to warp that same geometry into the shape of the target surface.  My first goal was to create complex interlocking chains to print in plastic.  After that I decided to push the limits of the plaster printer through the same process of warping geometries to other surfaces.

3D printing

3D Printer,Technique,Uncategorized — arothera @ 4:11 am

This post contains two 3D printing projects I did/theorized doing. My first 3D print is fairly straight forward, I wanted to test the capabilities of 3D scanning and 3D printing. This project entailed using the DAISY labs 3D scanner,  cleaning in Zbrush, and printing with the abs plastics printer.

My second project I did not print (for financial reasons) but I was thinking about ‘craft.’ I really love the american archetype of a husband needing to be a provider of craft skills and home improvement. The true source of DIY culture, a home provider having the ability to fix anything that is provided. For this project decided to model and print a bird house as a stepping stone to the 3D printing world. The idea being that in the DIY realm the first project is the bird house carpentry, and later stepping to the dog house carpentry. Therefore by 3D printing a birdhouse I wanted to ‘mis-translate’ the building of the basic birdhouse.

Exoskeletal Connection – 3D Printer Project

3D Printer,Assignment,Technique — hermanalan @ 1:13 pm

3D ABS plastic models – Electron Probability Field

3D Printer,Assignment — nathantrevino @ 3:32 am

Here is a relatively accurate model of electron clouds around a Mode u_{03} (3s orbital) atomic structure. It is printed in ABS plastics.

Motion into Form

3D object

3D Printer,Assignment — crecord @ 5:56 am



Description: 3D print of an object generated with code.

3-D Printer Project: Tree Stump

3D Printer,Assignment — Justin Lin @ 6:37 am







Justin Lin – 3D Printing Project

Description: This project attempted to create a living object out of the 3-D printer. The form is informed by tree stumps and is designed with a system of vents connected to rubber hoses which allow me to blow air through. Bubbles and foam precipitate from the vents when I breathe through the stump, with the help of a little soapy water sprayed on.

Material: White ABS plastic

File: justin_lin_3d_printing_final

DUE Mar. 5: 3d printing final project documentation

3D Printer,Assignment,Description,Technique — Ali Momeni @ 5:21 am

Please post Rhino files and photos of finished project (with solid color background) to this blog.



3D Printer — arothera @ 3:43 am

“Form Study”

(by no means does he write that these are dildos)






3D modelling project Prezi

3D Printer,Assignment,In-Class,Technique — crecord @ 1:50 pm
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