For our Final Artwork in Digital Fabrication for the Arts, Alex Rothera and I (Nathan Trevino) set out to create a system of machines that bring an adolescent, nostalgic, and curious element to the world of Sculpture. The instruments shown above are created to build sculpture, but more specifically, masks out of crayons. The crayon cutter, heater, and print-head are all designed to help the us make these reminiscent forms and to attempt to take a new stride in the realm of 3D printing.
For our Final Artwork in Digital Fabrication for the Arts, Alex Rothera and I (Nathan Trevino) set out to create a system of machines that bring an adolescent, nostalgic, and curious element to the world of Sculpture. The instruments shown above are created to build sculpture, but more specifically, masks out of crayons. The crayon cutter, heater, and print-head are all designed to help the us make these reminiscent forms and to attempt to take a new stride in the realm of 3D printing.