DUE Wed Mar 28, 2012: Grasshopper exploration

Assignment,Grasshopper — Ali Momeni @ 2:44 am
  • Find THREE freely available grasshopper definitions online; begin with the Getting Started and “Sample and Example Files” sections of grasshopper3d.com; also try googling a specific application; be prepared to make the GH definition by following a video, as not everyone shares their code!
  • Familiarize yourself with each definition
  • List them all in a comment to THIS POST; your comment should include definition name, link to code/video, author’s credits, and one sentence explanation of the function
  • Be prepared to give a  90 second demo on each


  1. Surface Component Tiling, http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=13, digital design and fabrication. Takes a set of curves and creates a surface from them then divides the surface to create a truss or tiling in order to build the surface in real life.

    Image Heightfields, http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=225, digital design and fabrication. This definition takes a grayscale image and uses the color of the pixel to create a 3D image made of different levels of boxes.

    Spaceframe, http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=211, digital design and fabrication. Using one curve, this creates a frame in z space made up of a truss, so you could fabricate this with pipes in real life.

    Comment by Alex Mallard — March 28, 2012 @ 2:09 am
  2. Lists and Data Matching: http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=543 Digital Design + Fabrication, Ball State University. This code creates a surface based off a grid of points (created in a list) that each extrude a certain distance defined by their distance from another single point.

    Parametric Truss: http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=603 Digital Design + Fabrication, Ball State University. This code creates a paramertic truss, a triangulated triangle, based off one curve and then alters the code that it can be applied to multiple curves.

    Parametric Curves: http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=578 Digital Design + Fabrication, Ball State University. This code samples two different ways of segmenting a curve with points and plains.

    Comment by crecord — March 28, 2012 @ 3:55 am
  3. Surface to Planar Triangles: Divides a double-curved surface into planar triangular facets, and arranging these traingles in a flat grid for manufacturing.(http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=49)

    Spaceframe: Vertically-oriented spaceframe derived from a path curve.(http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=211)

    Adjustable Louvers: Quick variations on adjustable, serially differentiated louvers. This first example uses a spline to alter spacing between louvers.(http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=152)

    Comment by mperim — March 28, 2012 @ 4:01 am
  4. Surface Component Tiling


    Creates a lofted trussed panel surface between two curves


    Cross beam supports



    simple easy to make definition made while watching the video makes cross beam supports between two curves.


    Honeycomb Surfaces


    Makes a honeycomb facade structure between two surfaces, but gets wonky pretty quickly.

    Comment by Justin Lin — March 28, 2012 @ 4:42 am
  5. Grasshopper Tutorials Followed:

    Box Morphing Part 1

    In Rhino, create a closed nurb, extrude it, cap it
    In GH, go to surface tab, create, center box
    right click on new box widget, increase the size of the box
    xform tab, box morph component
    first, box morph component will take geometry we created in rhino and squeeze it into box (transformation of geometry into box)
    Input geometry reference box (rhino one) and target box (GH one)
    for the rhino box, in GH Parameter tab, geometry. Select geometry in rhino to link to the geometry box in GH
    surface tab, primitive, bounding box component. Connect geometry component to bounding box component
    Now, by manipulating my GH box, i manipulate the rhino box.

    Building a parametric tower Part 1

    In GH curve tab, choose the ellipse as our base shape
    Parameter tab, create two sliders (blue button at right top)
    double click on each slider and change upper limits to 50
    Connect the two sliders to the parameters of the ellipse component (bottom two parameters)
    How grasshopper works -> you have parameters, you feed them into components and component changes, like programming graphically
    we’ll make a 50 stories tower with each floor having 4 meters. to be able to manipulate these, we will be using grasshopper
    xform tab, move/translate (a small stick), pass it the geometry we will move to the top input and a translation vector. To get the translation vector, go to vector tab and choose set vector, connect it to bottom input of move/translate.
    now we want to repeat the creation of floors and the height of each.
    logic tab, sets, series component we will need to provide it with start number, step and how many numbers we want. Kind of like a for loop.
    Again to the parameters tab and create two sliders. Adust the sliders appropriately for your desired max.
    and now connect the sliders to the parameters of the series component and the series component to the translation vector.

    Genetic Architecture

    In rhino you make irreversible transformations
    curves, primitives, circle (has center, normal and radius components)
    vector tab, points xyz component
    connect the position point to the circle center, now we have a circle centered at the point
    parameters tab, slider. we can rename the slider. connect to radius. we can control and adjust slider parameters in any way we want. Double click for preferences. We have really high levels of control. we can choose what the qualities we want to preserve are, make what is stronger survive. We can generate with the same definitions several distinct circles which have similar properties. We can parametrize anything we wan. We can for example use sliders to control x, y and z as well.

    Comment by hermanalan — March 28, 2012 @ 5:22 am
  6. 1. Eggcrate Structures for Polysurfaces


    Good for creating assemblable structures using tabs and slots. Difficult to extend to arbitrary surfaces.

    2. Surface Diagrid


    Divides a surface into triangles with offsets to remove centers of facets.

    3. Waffling


    Awesome series of tutorials that explain how to take arbitrary geometry and create a waffle/eggcrate structure ready for digi-fab.

    Comment by Mike Ornstein — March 28, 2012 @ 6:04 am

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