Mirror Box- re-worked

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:38 am

Canvas Bricks

Laser Cutter — Justin Lin @ 9:07 am




Rhino File can be found here: skin+skeletonbox_justin_lin

Jan 25, 2012 – Flat Designs – Mike Ornstein

Assignment,Laser Cutter — Mike Ornstein @ 8:41 am

Algorithmically generated image

Real Object traced in Rhino

The fractal pattern is to be cut in crystallized salt plate. The hairbrush is to be cut out of mirrored acrylic.

Jan 25, 2012 – Two Boxes – Mike Ornstein

Assignment,Laser Cutter — Mike Ornstein @ 8:35 am

Skeleton and Skin

Hardwareless Box - Closed

Hardwareless Box - Open

Materials are both Acrylic; Condom Box is 1/8″, Brain Box is 1/4″.

Jesus Soto like sculpture

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Technique — hermanalan @ 2:24 am


aherman soto



origianl inspiration


soto screenshot

Originally inspired by a sculpture by Venezuelan artist Jesus Soto, this small scale sculpture made with acrylic using the laser cutter is a different version of his work. It preserves the kinetic aspect of his sculpture as well as the spherical shape in the middle.



3D created object – coral

3D Printer,Assignment,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 1:11 pm

Using this photo as a base:

I created a curve for the coral and then extruded the shape up about a quarter of an inch. Then using flow around surface, I shaped the coral extrusion around a sphere.

This is the resulting curve from the coral shard.

This is a front facing view of the extruded coral flowed around the surface of a sphere.

This is a 3/4 view of the extruded coral.

If I remade this project and reprinted it, then I would probably use things like the pipe function to make the coral look more realistic. I would also probably experiment more with different shapes while using flow around surface.

3D object from point cloud

3D Printer,Assignment — alexmallard @ 1:01 pm

This is the 3D object from a point cloud assignment. I used a pint glass as the object and then practiced using the sweep function to move the curve that I created from the points around a line in order to create the glass.

DUE Feb. 13, 2012 – Point-Cloud Model, Rhino command review, project sketch

  • Complete and bring to class your perfected re-fabrication of the final laser-cutter project; all students are required to rebuild one of their two projects, based on the feedback given in class last week
  • Create a posting on this blog with final Rhino files for the above project, as well as images of your fabricated object; photographs must be taken on a solid color back-ground (see photo facilities in Maggy Morrison or contact our graduate assistant Luke)
  • Review and master all Rhino commands from this post and this post
  • Complete the assigned point-cloud->3d model; prepare two versions: 1) actual scale, 2) miniature (L + W + H < 4 inches);
  • Process the miniature version of your model for 3d printing on the FDM ABS printer (create mesh, check mesh, export stl, run through Catalyst)
  • Prepare a preliminary sketch of your next 3d printing project; be prepared to present your idea to the class for feedback/critique. Help us get a clear sense of your idea by preparing rough drawings in Rhino, sketches on paper, images of works of reference, accompanying text.  This project will be due on Feb. 22, 2012.

Curve to Surface to Mesh in Rhino

3D Printer,Rhino3D — Ali Momeni @ 4:07 pm


  • planarsrf
  • patch
  • edgesrf
  • loft
  • revolve
  • sweep1
  • sweep2
  • networksrf


  • offsetsrf
  • extrudesrf


  • dupborder


  • mesh
  • dir
  • flip
  • checkmesh
  • showedge

Download sample rhino file: curve-to-surf-to-mesh.zip

IN CLASS: Feb. 8, 2012: 3D printing demos @ CMU dFAB (Mag Morrison)

3D Printer,dFAB CMU,In-Class — Ali Momeni @ 8:58 pm

Reminder to meet at 8.30am sharp at the dFAB facilities in M Morrison for Zach Ali’s demonstrations of usage of the 3D printers.

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