CNC Routed Holder

Assignment,CNC Router — alexmallard @ 1:40 pm

I was never able to CNC route this because the times were really full and I didn’t want to take time away from people who were routing for their final project. What I wanted to make was a nest chair structure and I tried to design it so that it wouldn’t need glue to be held together.

Top view

Front view

Perspective shot 1

Perspective shot 2, rendered

CNC 2.5 axis holder project

Assignment,CNC Router — crecord @ 7:15 pm

For my 2.5 axis cnc project I designed and fabricated two custom projector holders. The following is a picture of the holder made with the laser printer for a laser projector.

The next two images depict the holder I made on the CNC to fit a DVD player and epson projector:

Max and Justin made a boat

Assignment,CNC Router — Justin Lin @ 1:45 pm

In collaboration between Max Perim and Justin Lin

Max Perim and Justin Lin CNC-Router Assignment
Description: Max and Justin made a boat. Its about the persistence of memory… of boats.
Material: 3/4″ C/C Plywood

Find the rhino file here:

Exoskeletal Connection – 3D Printer Project

3D Printer,Assignment,Technique — hermanalan @ 1:13 pm

3D ABS plastic models – Electron Probability Field

3D Printer,Assignment — nathantrevino @ 3:32 am

Here is a relatively accurate model of electron clouds around a Mode u_{03} (3s orbital) atomic structure. It is printed in ABS plastics.

CNC Routed Waffles

Assignment,CNC Router — Mike Ornstein @ 1:09 pm

Everyone likes waffles. So I made some waffles. These waffles act as the support structure to a fiberglass mold used to create a carbon fiber race car body panel. This model was created in SolidWorks to take advantage of its parametric capabilities. This project is part of the work being done by the Carnegie Mellon chapter of Society of Automotive Engineers: Carnegie Mellon Racing.

Folding + Origami inspired design

Artists,Grasshopper,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D,Theory — Tags: , , , — Ali Momeni @ 6:28 pm


  • Cairo Patterns: transforms a surface into 4 or 5 sided Cairo Patterns
  • Paper Fold: models simple folding of a single plane of paper [look for “paperfold.ghx”]
  • Rigid Origami Folding: models the folding action of a strip of paper
  • Origami pyramid: models the folding action of a flat plane into a pyramid [look for “origamipyramid.ghx”]
  • Origami 4 point Star: fully models construction of a fourpoint star in Grasshopper [look for “Origami4PointStar.ghx”]
        The Grasshopper and Rhinoscript examples from class are here.





Motion into Form

Bert Simon

Artists,Laser Cutter,Reference — crecord @ 8:21 pm

I found this artist Bert Simon who does 3D paper sculptures of people by using a photograph as reference for a 3D model and then distorts the photo in accordance to the model. Thought it was an interesting project.

3D object

3D Printer,Assignment — crecord @ 5:56 am



Description: 3D print of an object generated with code.

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