3D Scanning Technique

Medical imaging technologies such as the CT and MRI create sets of 2D slices. There are various ways to reconstruct these 2D slices into 3D models. Generally each of these slices were taken at a known distance apart. Imaging software can create   a simple 3D structure by placing each of these images that known distance apart in 3D space and thereby create a 3D model out of 2D images. This model can be further analyzed by doing a “volume rendering” in which internal objects with different grey scale values are separated into different 3D components.

The following is an image of a 3D model of the brain and eyeballs created in a free software called OsiriX:

Source for image and information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_scanner

I think this technic is interesting because it represents the internal rather than producing an empty shell of the surface of the object.

I also came across the artist Marlene Oliver  who works almost exclusively in 3D medical imaging technologies.


Origami Documentation

Assignment,Folding,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 8:01 pm

For my origami  project I modeled three pyramids in rhino, unfolded them in pepakura and printed them out in two different materials on the laser cutter.

These are cut out of handmade paper:

These were made with stonehedge with rasters:



3D scanning objects? Microsoft Kinect > Processing > Rhino

Assignment,Scanning — nathantrevino @ 6:38 pm

This technique utilizes a Kinect, the Processing Language, and RhinoCAM. You need the OpenKinect libraries I found made by Daniel Shiffman. It is very simple and he even has an example code that does the kinect ‘finding’ for you. Then using some alterations so that Processing will export a DXF file for you to run in rhino, you can import the file into Rhino like this .


There are some drawbacks from such a powerful tool. first is that you need to “stitch” the individual DXF files together in rhino as if they were point cloud models. The only way I can see fixing this is to try and use multiple Kinect s at once and modifying your code in processing. Another drawback is resolution. From what I’ve seen, it won’t give a splitting image of someone. That being said, this way of 3D scanning is great in that you can easily do this on your own as long as you have background in processing/java , rhino, and some fiddling with a Kinect.


Overall, just check it out and try it for yourself.



3d Scanning Techniques: Overview

Reference,Scanning,Theory — Ali Momeni @ 11:52 am



  • Structured Light: Overview on Wikipedia
  • MadMapper: popular commercial software for artists for space-scanning + projection mapping





CNC Holder 2.5 Axis

This holder is designed possibly as a fruit basket or table ornament.  The joints are waffle notch joints.  I wanted to experiment between the CNC router and vacuum former in the dFAB lab.  I was impressed with the variety of forms that developed out of each pocket of the waffled structure as the plastic formed and cooled.

3D Printer Flow Chains

My 3D print works were explorations into the Rhino 4.0 command “FlowAlongSrf”.  This unique command takes three dimensional geometry and uses a reference surface to warp that same geometry into the shape of the target surface.  My first goal was to create complex interlocking chains to print in plastic.  After that I decided to push the limits of the plaster printer through the same process of warping geometries to other surfaces.

2 Skinned “Box”

The creation is laser cut cardboard and acrylic.  The cardboard rotates inside the acrylic to reveal a storage cavity.  A stand was created as an improvement to the overall design.

2D Laser Cut Designs

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D,Submission — William @ 4:56 am

DUE Mon April 16, 2012: 2D/3D Scanning techniques

Assignment,Description,Scanning — Ali Momeni @ 12:20 pm
  • Identify a 2D or 3D scanning technique for creating digitally represented models of physical objects
  • Identify the unique strengths as well as the short comings of the above technique
  • Create a blog post that 1) explains the technique, 2) shows some examples (embed), 3) lists the strengths/shortcomings, 4) gives linkes/references for further research

3D printing

3D Printer,Technique,Uncategorized — arothera @ 4:11 am

This post contains two 3D printing projects I did/theorized doing. My first 3D print is fairly straight forward, I wanted to test the capabilities of 3D scanning and 3D printing. This project entailed using the DAISY labs 3D scanner,  cleaning in Zbrush, and printing with the abs plastics printer.

My second project I did not print (for financial reasons) but I was thinking about ‘craft.’ I really love the american archetype of a husband needing to be a provider of craft skills and home improvement. The true source of DIY culture, a home provider having the ability to fix anything that is provided. For this project decided to model and print a bird house as a stepping stone to the 3D printing world. The idea being that in the DIY realm the first project is the bird house carpentry, and later stepping to the dog house carpentry. Therefore by 3D printing a birdhouse I wanted to ‘mis-translate’ the building of the basic birdhouse.

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