DUE Feb. 8, 2012 – Point-cloud for 3d Modeling

3D Printer,Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 4:54 pm
  • give some thought to your eventual 3d printing project (due in 3 weeks)
  • choose a small object to model; make an attempt to relate the choice of this new object to the eventual needs and goals of your 3d printing project
  • put 20-50 visible/colored points (colored stickers work well) on important structural points/features of your object (corners, edges, peaks, troughs)
  • photograph the object from at 5 perspectives (Top, Left+Right, Front+Back); use ~50mm lens to minimize distortion
  • import these images into Rhino as backgrounds and begin modeling the object in three dimensions first with lines and curves, and then with surfaces.

DUE Feb. 13, 2012 – Re-make of one assignment 1

Assignment,Description,Laser Cutter,Technique — Ali Momeni @ 4:49 pm
  • Choose one of the two objects you fabricated for the last assignment, make it again and better.
  • Use the CFA facilities to photo document then fabricated object from multiple perspectives, on a solid color back ground, with proper lighting; please contact our Graduate Assistant Luke (contacts in the syllabus) if you need help/guidance in the process

Money in da bank box

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Modelling,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 2:38 pm

DUE: Jan 25, 2012 – Two Boxes – Paul

Assignment,Laser Cutter — Paul @ 3:17 pm

This is the box I made in class. It’s sized for .25″ material. I resized it in order to actually cut the box out of .125″ acrylic.

Daito Manabe

3D Printer,Artists — arothera @ 5:23 am






These are two separate pieces by Daito Manabe. Daito’s huge hit was years ago after he published a performance/experimental piece where he electronically controls the muscles in his face. But still Daito makes incredible work. Highly computational and also highly fabricated. His work seems to have some bit of cultural divide, but still the passion is conveyed through the work.

Assignments so Far

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Technique — nathantrevino @ 4:38 am

Trevino Assignment 1 screenshot

This is hand drawn lobster using curves and polylines. It is to be cut with a laser cutter out of frozen butter.
Materials: 18″ x 24″ 1/4in Frozen Butter Slab.




Trevino Assignment 2 screenshot

This is a shape that is created by a degenerative algorithmic formula. It is to be cut on a laser cutter.

Materials: 12″ x 12″ 1/4in MDF board




Trevino Assignment 3 screenshot

This is  a simple, tab based box constructed in Rhino to be cut with a laser cutter.

Materials: 1/4in Mirrored Acrylic



Laser Cutted Leaf

Assignment,Laser Cutter — hermanalan @ 4:21 am


I think that the level of detail achieved with the laser cutter is really great. I am surprised that the leaf did not burn when it was laser cut. The idea behind the project is to create personalizable presentation cards, advertisement, pictures, etc that could be discarded and not harm the environment. Visually, I think this is quite beautiful.

Drzach + Suchy – “Time”, and an interesting Japanese furniture design.

3D Printer,Artists — Justin Lin @ 8:11 pm

Watch a video showing Time.

technique: shadow cloud produced via SLS 3d-print
size: 3 images, each 74 x 74 px, ball of diameter 36.7cm

“Time” is a 3-d printed orb that has a formless, unorganised geometric structure. From certain angles, the alignment of its skeletal shapes and voids causes it to cast a shadow that is a legible image. Here the shadow tells the time as a standard clock.

From other angles, the image changes to something else.

I am intrigued and amused by the procedure and choice of fabrication method in this piece. I think the use of 3-d fabrication here feels instinctive, natural, and neccesary: to make the sphere using analog methods, would just be a real pain. The motion of the sphere and the shadows coming into alignment and misalignment are a form of suspense and release that is very engaging. Having said that though, I find the reading of the clock, sundial, and giant orb as a little crude and really mars the elegance of the activation.

watch the “making-of” video, 0:40 for really finnicky 3-d printing post-processing procedures.


Another interesting thing that isn’t really 3-d printing or digital fabrication (but probably modelled in some sort of CAD software) is Yuya Ushida’s XXXX_Sofa. Its an expandable sofa/chair contraption hand assembled from chopsticks and metal rings. I like it because, going beyond the functional furniture design reading of it, it deals with issues of living (architectural) space, solidity, functions of the body, and interactions between bodies and materials/objects. I just thought this would be informative for friends interested in mechanical things to look at.


Laser Cutter Designs

Laser Cutter — mperim @ 3:26 pm

2D laser designs-Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:24 am

Record Assignment 1a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to create a design algorithmically by methodically repeating the same processes on an object.

Material: handmade paper

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 1b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to use a bitmap image as a background and trace out an image.

Material: handmade paper

files: Record-Assignment1

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