
Assignment — arothera @ 3:46 pm

Assignment #1

I was imagining a future in which laser cutting is essential to all food production. Similar to how fast food is entirely processed and distant from what we know of “beef” or traditional food, I was thinking about a future in which all food needs to be shaped in from where it is coming from. In this case it would be beef cutout.



Assignment 2: generated design

This is a design entirely made out of squares. I began with a square and multiplied it along a curve. From that point my rules entailed many reflections, rotations and scaling.


Assignment #3: organic boxs


DUE: Jan 25, 2012 – Two Boxes – Paul

Assignment,Laser Cutter — Paul @ 3:17 pm

This is the box I made in class. It’s sized for .25″ material. I resized it in order to actually cut the box out of .125″ acrylic.

3D printed hermit crab shells!

Artists,Assignment — alexmallard @ 2:42 pm

These 3D printed shells are part of a project called Project Shellter. The idea is to make shells for hermit crabs to live in instead of the trash that they are sometimes forced to live in due to a worldwide shell shortage. Miles Lightwood is the person responsible for this idea, although he is working with the MakerBot community as well. Here are the links:

Artist Profile: Janet Echelman

Artists,Assignment — crecord @ 6:26 am

Janet Echelman uses 3D modeling and industrial digital fabrication processes to create large scale public sculpture. In the case of the image bellow Echelman used data from a tsunami to create the form and coloration of the  hanging sculpture, currently installed in Sydney, Australia.

Assignments so Far

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Technique — nathantrevino @ 4:38 am

Trevino Assignment 1 screenshot

This is hand drawn lobster using curves and polylines. It is to be cut with a laser cutter out of frozen butter.
Materials: 18″ x 24″ 1/4in Frozen Butter Slab.




Trevino Assignment 2 screenshot

This is a shape that is created by a degenerative algorithmic formula. It is to be cut on a laser cutter.

Materials: 12″ x 12″ 1/4in MDF board




Trevino Assignment 3 screenshot

This is  a simple, tab based box constructed in Rhino to be cut with a laser cutter.

Materials: 1/4in Mirrored Acrylic



Laser Cutted Leaf

Assignment,Laser Cutter — hermanalan @ 4:21 am

I think that the level of detail achieved with the laser cutter is really great. I am surprised that the leaf did not burn when it was laser cut. The idea behind the project is to create personalizable presentation cards, advertisement, pictures, etc that could be discarded and not harm the environment. Visually, I think this is quite beautiful.

CNC + Arduino + LED’s = Radiance by PROJECTiONE

Artists,Assignment — nathantrevino @ 3:14 am

This is an interactive installation utilizing the a CNC router, micro-controllers, and mold making plastic forms. I am very intrigued with the level of simplicity that formed this functional and artistic design.

2D laser designs-Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:24 am

Record Assignment 1a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to create a design algorithmically by methodically repeating the same processes on an object.

Material: handmade paper

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 1b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to use a bitmap image as a background and trace out an image.

Material: handmade paper

files: Record-Assignment1

January 25th 2011 – Two Boxes – Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:14 am


Record Assignment 2a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment required us to make a box with a very specific function. This box is intended to encase and disable a hand.

Material: 1/8″ mirrored acrylic plexi

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 2b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to make a box intended to be a scaffolding structure for a skin made in a different material.

Material: 1/8″ MDF

Files: Compressed Box Assignments

Two Laser Cutter Designs, Two Boxes – Justin Lin

Assignment — Justin Lin @ 8:49 pm


Assignment One: Algorithm

Description: Pattern of a nut is repeated through rotation, translation scaling and iteration.

Material: To be cut out of 240 grit sandpaper.

Assignment One: Real Trace

Description: A contour trace of a slug taken from a top down photograph.

Materials: To be cut out of a paper kitchen towel or large sponge sheet.

Assignment 2 - One: Box made from One Material


Description: Design for a functional, medium load bearing pencil pot.

Material: To be cut out of 1/4″ MDF


Assignment 2 - Two: Box made from 2 materials

Description: These are “soft bricks” made from two materials, plywood and cloth, using a basic interlocking frame as a skeleton, and wrapped with canvas. The canvas is detailed with the holes typically of standard building bricks. There will be ties cut out to facilitate tying of the corners. These hypothetical building materials attempt to subvert the notion of anchorage, heft, permanence, solidity, and strength that one normally associates with bricklaying and housebuilding.

Materials: To be cut out of 1/4″ birch ply and unbleached cotton canvas tarp.

Please find all four files in the zip folder contained here: assignment 1 and 2

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