Capillary Tree Stumps

3D Printer,Assignment — Justin Lin @ 4:05 pm

Exoskeletal Hand Prototyping

3D Printer,Assignment — hermanalan @ 3:49 pm



My Digi Fab presentation

3D Printer,Assignment — mperim @ 3:37 pm

Rothera Printing Presentation

3D Printer — arothera @ 3:23 pm

Prezi Presentation for 3D print idea

3D Printer,Assignment — alexmallard @ 3:22 pm

Cliplet Prezi

3D Printer,Assignment — Mike Ornstein @ 3:20 pm

3D print design – adding machine

3D Printer,Assignment — Paul @ 3:20 pm

Google doc

3D Design

3D Printer,Technique — mperim @ 2:58 am






Being new to 3D modelling, I decided to create a functional, symmetrical model to help me understand the basics of modeling in Rhino.

3D created object – coral

3D Printer,Assignment,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 1:11 pm

Using this photo as a base:

I created a curve for the coral and then extruded the shape up about a quarter of an inch. Then using flow around surface, I shaped the coral extrusion around a sphere.

This is the resulting curve from the coral shard.

This is a front facing view of the extruded coral flowed around the surface of a sphere.

This is a 3/4 view of the extruded coral.

If I remade this project and reprinted it, then I would probably use things like the pipe function to make the coral look more realistic. I would also probably experiment more with different shapes while using flow around surface.

3D object from point cloud

3D Printer,Assignment — alexmallard @ 1:01 pm

This is the 3D object from a point cloud assignment. I used a pint glass as the object and then practiced using the sweep function to move the curve that I created from the points around a line in order to create the glass.

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