January 25th 2011 – Two Boxes – Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:14 am


Record Assignment 2a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment required us to make a box with a very specific function. This box is intended to encase and disable a hand.

Material: 1/8″ mirrored acrylic plexi

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 2b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to make a box intended to be a scaffolding structure for a skin made in a different material.

Material: 1/8″ MDF

Files: Compressed Box Assignments

Digital Fabrication and Art Practice

3D Printer,CNC Router,Laser Cutter,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 2:50 am

CONVERSATION STARTERS [for meditations on who how when and why contemporary art intersects with cnc/cad/cam/digital fabrication]

Doherty Hall laser cutter hours and policies

Laser Cutter — Ali Momeni @ 7:31 pm

Please refer to this document for hours and policies for the 2012 CMU Doherty Hall lasercutter: hours & policies.

Boxes! Part 1

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 4:12 am

This is a simple geometric box that I created by drawing a sphere in Rhino then changing it to a mesh with a very small number of polygons.

I created planes from the mesh and unrolled the planes to form a template. Then I added in tabs so that I could fold it up and glue it together.

Algorithmic and real objects for laser cutting

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 1:30 pm

Algorithmic design for laser cutting:

Other design based on an object from life:

I used my large, red scarf as the basis for this design. I really like it.

IN CLASS: Jan. 25, 2012

dFAB CMU,In-Class,Laser Cutter — Ali Momeni @ 12:51 pm


  • meet at Marge Morrison’s dFAB facilities at 8.30AM sharp
  • bring your files for the first assignment (on flash memory or accessible online)

DUE: Jan 25, 2012 – Two Boxes

Design two boxes with the following design specifications:


  • a single material with the following properties
  • Length + Width + Height less then 18 inches
  • no hardware necessary
  • visually communicates its purpose
  • made of two different materials
  • Length + Width + Height less then 18 inches
  • composed of “Skeleton” and “Skin”



  • if you haven’t registered for an account on this side, do
  • if you haven’t filled in a complete profile for your account (name, contacts, photo), do

DUE: Jan 23, 2011 – Two Laser Cutter Designs

Assignment,Description,Laser Cutter — Ali Momeni @ 3:14 pm

Two designs, in Rhino, to be laser cut (keep it under 24″ x 18″)

  • Algorithmic: Start with a basic shape, repeat a process systematically (e.g. the repeated diminution exercise in class).  Make the necessary adjustments in the model to allow it to be laser cut.
  • Based on the real world: take a top-down (bird’s eye) perspective photograph of a real-world object, import the image into “Top” transport of rhino, and model it with lines and curves; make the necessary adjustments in the model to allow it to be laser cut.
  • In both exercises, consider what material you would use and why.
  • Upload both models to Black board before Monday morning’s class.

FDM 3D Printer: State of the Art

3D Printer — Ali Momeni @ 2:59 pm





CNC Router: State of the Art

CNC Router — Ali Momeni @ 2:47 pm





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