
3D Printer — arothera @ 3:43 am

“Form Study”

(by no means does he write that these are dildos)




Rothera Printing Presentation

3D Printer — arothera @ 3:23 pm

Redesign –Modern Zoetrope

Assignment — arothera @ 6:24 am



Assignment — arothera @ 3:46 pm

Assignment #1

I was imagining a future in which laser cutting is essential to all food production. Similar to how fast food is entirely processed and distant from what we know of “beef” or traditional food, I was thinking about a future in which all food needs to be shaped in from where it is coming from. In this case it would be beef cutout.



Assignment 2: generated design

This is a design entirely made out of squares. I began with a square and multiplied it along a curve. From that point my rules entailed many reflections, rotations and scaling.


Assignment #3: organic boxs


Daito Manabe

3D Printer,Artists — arothera @ 5:23 am!



These are two separate pieces by Daito Manabe. Daito’s huge hit was years ago after he published a performance/experimental piece where he electronically controls the muscles in his face. But still Daito makes incredible work. Highly computational and also highly fabricated. His work seems to have some bit of cultural divide, but still the passion is conveyed through the work.

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