The Human Skate – An abstract understanding of the title and its implications

Assignment,Final Project — hermanalan @ 10:01 pm

For my final project, I wanted to create a mobile transportation system that many people could use, kind of like a bike. It turned out that people were right, it was a pretty ambitious project and unrealistic for the short amount of time we had. I realized people were right very late in my project and I had to carry through. I ended up making a very quirky and quite useless human skate after several other failed attempts. It actually broke before I was able to get some documentation of it. Despite the failure of it in many senses, this project was important to me because of its side effects. It got me to meet people, it was emotionally rich and rewarding (despite its frustrating parts) and it introduced me to a ton of new skills. Below, some documentation taken by Ali of my project being used and also a photo and video taken by me.

skate video


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