Laser Cutted Leaf

Assignment,Laser Cutter — hermanalan @ 4:21 am

I think that the level of detail achieved with the laser cutter is really great. I am surprised that the leaf did not burn when it was laser cut. The idea behind the project is to create personalizable presentation cards, advertisement, pictures, etc that could be discarded and not harm the environment. Visually, I think this is quite beautiful.

Laser Cutter Designs

Laser Cutter — mperim @ 3:26 pm

2D laser designs-Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:24 am

Record Assignment 1a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to create a design algorithmically by methodically repeating the same processes on an object.

Material: handmade paper

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 1b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to use a bitmap image as a background and trace out an image.

Material: handmade paper

files: Record-Assignment1

January 25th 2011 – Two Boxes – Caroline Record

Assignment,Laser Cutter — crecord @ 9:14 am


Record Assignment 2a Screen Shot

Description: This assignment required us to make a box with a very specific function. This box is intended to encase and disable a hand.

Material: 1/8″ mirrored acrylic plexi

(file included after the next assignment)

Record Assignment 2b Screen Shot

Description: This assignment asked us to make a box intended to be a scaffolding structure for a skin made in a different material.

Material: 1/8″ MDF

Files: Compressed Box Assignments

Digital Fabrication and Art Practice

3D Printer,CNC Router,Laser Cutter,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 2:50 am

CONVERSATION STARTERS [for meditations on who how when and why contemporary art intersects with cnc/cad/cam/digital fabrication]

Doherty Hall laser cutter hours and policies

Laser Cutter — Ali Momeni @ 7:31 pm

Please refer to this document for hours and policies for the 2012 CMU Doherty Hall lasercutter: hours & policies.

Boxes! Part 1

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 4:12 am

This is a simple geometric box that I created by drawing a sphere in Rhino then changing it to a mesh with a very small number of polygons.

I created planes from the mesh and unrolled the planes to form a template. Then I added in tabs so that I could fold it up and glue it together.

Algorithmic and real objects for laser cutting

Assignment,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D — alexmallard @ 1:30 pm

Algorithmic design for laser cutting:

Other design based on an object from life:

I used my large, red scarf as the basis for this design. I really like it.

IN CLASS: Jan. 25, 2012

dFAB CMU,In-Class,Laser Cutter — Ali Momeni @ 12:51 pm


  • meet at Marge Morrison’s dFAB facilities at 8.30AM sharp
  • bring your files for the first assignment (on flash memory or accessible online)

DUE: Jan 25, 2012 – Two Boxes

Design two boxes with the following design specifications:


  • a single material with the following properties
  • Length + Width + Height less then 18 inches
  • no hardware necessary
  • visually communicates its purpose
  • made of two different materials
  • Length + Width + Height less then 18 inches
  • composed of “Skeleton” and “Skin”



  • if you haven’t registered for an account on this side, do
  • if you haven’t filled in a complete profile for your account (name, contacts, photo), do
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