“FbStalker” by Priya Ganadas (2014)

Have you ever stalked anyone on facebook?

Do you anticipate a comment or a like from ‘that’ specific person?

Do you constantly check your notifications and get disappointed and end up wasting too much time on fb for no reason?

What if you could get notification from Facebook if and only if that someone special was active?

fbstalker from Priya Ganadas on Vimeo.


It lets you pick your person that you want to get notified about as soon as they do any activity on your profile. A simple elegant light attached to desktop blinks to let you know that someone special just commented on your status.



I have tracked my friend Raj, I am printing ‘Wohoo’ every time i get a like from Raj.

Serial communication is used between Processing to Arduino to blink the LED.

I have used Temboo to get data from facebook.
Here is the link

You will have to get access from Facebook, using facebook developers

It was good learning to use temboo API without using the choreos and creating a custom code.

Github repository is here


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