“who smokes what in artfab” by Claire Hentschker (2014)
This dress gets more into applying software directly to the performance of the dress. The dress becomes a proclamation of your online activity, exposing the wearer. I’m curious…I find a lot of technology in clothing that seems to either have no real functional application, or is about health and fitness. What else can technology do in fashion other than make a statement or be about health? Hmm.
Fingerworld is an immersive experience for the hand. As your fingers walk across the fabric, the world moves around them.
“Tape Recorders” – MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer from bitforms gallery on Vimeo.
Tape recorders extend or recoil based on the participants interactions.
Also maybe check out “This Years Midnight”
“A 33-day-long version of Dennis Hopper’s 1988 film Colors.”
” In a tightly choreographed show, light is sculpted around the room using mirrors and spotlights by a dancing troupe of LED drones built and programmed specifically for the show.”