“who smokes what in artfab” by Claire Hentschker (2014)


“Third Hand” by Stelarc (1980)

Artists,Digital Art,Instrument,Reference,Scientific — MattSandler Sandler @ 4:41 pm



“Ripple” by POSTmatter (2014)

3_Embedded and Wearable,Artists,Digital Art,Reference — Tags: — anna rosati @ 2:19 pm

ripple 2 ripple 1ripple 3

“The postexhibition in Milan showcased three original artworks, each harnessing interactive technology to create immersive experiences, and explore new relationships to digital content.”


“x.pose” by Xuedi Chen (2014)

This dress gets more into applying software directly to the performance of the dress. The dress becomes a proclamation of your online activity, exposing the wearer. I’m curious…I find a lot of technology in clothing that seems to either have no real functional application, or is about health and fitness. What else can technology do in fashion other than make a statement or be about health? Hmm.


“FingerWorld” by Claire Hentschker and Matt Sandler (2014)

Assignment,Audio,Digital Art,Instrument,Visual — chentsch @ 4:39 pm



Fingerworld is an immersive experience for the hand. As your fingers walk across the fabric, the world moves around them.


“Tape Recorders” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (2011)

Artists,Digital Art,Reference — MattSandler Sandler @ 5:30 pm

“Tape Recorders” – MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer from bitforms gallery on Vimeo.

Tape recorders extend or recoil based on the participants interactions.

Also maybe check out “This Years Midnight”


“Colors” by Cory Arcangel (2005)

Artists,Digital Art,Reference,Visual — chentsch @ 5:25 pm

“A 33-day-long version of Dennis Hopper’s 1988 film Colors.”


“Fractal Flowers” by Miguel Chevalier (2014)

Artists,Digital Art,Reference,Visual — chentsch @ 5:15 pm

Miguel CHEVALIER Paradis artificiels 2014 (version courte, short version) from Claude Mossessian on Vimeo.


“Immaterials: light painting WiFi film” by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen (2011)

Digital Art,Instrument,Reference,Scientific,Uncategorized,Visual — MattSandler Sandler @ 5:12 pm


A simple concept executed beautifully to illustrate something otherwise hidden.


“Meet Your Creator” by Marshmallow Laser Feast—Robin McNicholas, Memo Akten (2012)

Artists,Digital Art,Reference,Robotics — chentsch @ 5:08 pm

” In a tightly choreographed show, light is sculpted around the room using mirrors and spotlights by a dancing troupe of LED drones built and programmed specifically for the show.”


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