“I want” by Jean-Baptiste Michel (2013)

Artists,Data,Reference,Visual — rciavarella @ 7:36 pm


“Fade Away” by Matt Richardson (2012)

Artists,Instrument,Reference,Visual — rciavarella @ 7:30 pm

Fade Away 1 from Matt Richardson on Vimeo.

“DareDroid 2.0” – Anouk Wipprecht (2010)

Artists,Reference,Uncategorized — jbrieger @ 5:25 pm


Play a game of truth or dare with the cocktail waitress and the dress will mix you a drink. Anouk Wipprecht’s work is mostly really good, and I’d also encourage people to check out “Intimacy 2.0” as well, which I consider her best work. anti-utopias.com/art/anouk-wipprecht-daredroid-2-0/

“ScreamBody” by Kelly Dobson (1998-2004)

Artists,Reference — chentsch @ 5:24 pm

“When a user needs to scream but is in anynumber of situations where it is just not permitted, ScreamBody silences the user’s screams so they may feel free to vocalize without fear of environmental retaliation, and at the same time records the scream for later release where, when, and how the user chooses.”




“Technological Dream Series: No.1, Robots” – Dunne & Raby (2007)

Artists,Reference — jbrieger @ 5:14 pm

Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots from dunne & raby on Vimeo.

A reimagining of what the robot could be. Very ethereal design fiction.

“3rdi” by Wafaa Bilal (2010)

Artists,Reference — chentsch @ 5:14 pm


” A camera temporarily implanted on the back of my head, it spontaneously and objectively captures the images – one per minute – that make up my daily life, and transmits them to a website for public consumption.”



“Accessories for Lonely Men” – Noam Toran (2001)

Artists,Reference,Uncategorized — jbrieger @ 5:11 pm

Heavy Breather

“Accessories for Lonely Men is a collection of eight fictional products designed to alleviate loneliness after the departure or loss of a woman. The objects propose that most forms of human intimacy are crude enough in their physicality that they can be replicated with electronic objects, and are meant to question what we think we miss in a relationship; the individual or the generic traces they leave behind.”


“Muscle Machine” by Stelarc (2003)

Artists,Reference — chentsch @ 5:09 pm


The Muscle Machine is a six-legged walking robot, five metres in diameter. It is a hybrid human-machine system, pneumatically powered using fluidic muscle actuators.



“montanamex” by Eduardo Garcia (2014)

Artists,Reference — chentsch @ 4:59 pm

“Eduardo Garcia, a chef who lost his arm and now uses advanced mechanical prosthetics to continue the pursuit of his passion: food.”


“Technesexual Interface” by Micha Cardenas (2009)

Artists,Instrument,Reference,Visual — MattSandler Sandler @ 4:54 pm




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