“runScribe” by Scribe Labs (2010)

3_Embedded and Wearable,Scanning,Sensors — mbparker @ 4:56 pm


“Security Blanket” by Security Blanket (2014)


“Electro Illumination Wire Light Safety Vests” by Rayma C. Wright (2014)

3_Embedded and Wearable,Sensors,Visual — mbparker @ 4:50 pm


“VEST: A Sensory Substitution Neuroscience Project” by David Eagleman (2014)

3_Embedded and Wearable,Sensors — mbparker @ 4:47 pm


“Personal Space Dress” by Urban Armor (2014)

“Urban Armor is an artwork consisting of a series of playful electronic wearables for women which investigate the ways women experience public space.”


“Mi.Mu” by Imogen Heap (2014)

Wearable tech which allows music manipulation through movement of hands by wearing gloves. Allows control of music “more naturally” according to Imogen. It utilizes haptic motors, high pressure flex sensors, IMU motion tracker, and RGB LED.


Even More..

“Nod” by Nod, Inc. (2014)

Wireless ring controller that allows hand movements to control computers, smart TVs to create notes, control outputs, and more.

Even More..

“Rocketskatesā„¢” by Peter Treadway and ACTON, Inc. (2014)

Skates that are controlled by the users movements and wireless controlled.

Even More..

“LUMObackā„¢” by Lumo BodyTech, Inc. (2014)

Sensor created by Lumo BodyTech, Inc. the detects back posture throughout the day wherever you go.


Even More..

“Wearable Tech for Fitness” by Athos (2014)

Wearable shorts and shirts created by Athos that track your balance, muscle output, and heart rate,and more. This product utilizes embedded magnometers, breathing sensors, heart rate sensors, and emg sensors.


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