“Haptic 3D” Amy Friedman (2014)


Haptics 3D is a wearable bracelet and Unity Application.The bracelet syncs with Unity to give haptic feedback when a users hand picks up an object in 3D space and connects the object to another part in 3D space. The demo has 3 cars each needing 2 car tires to be connected to the axels.  The tool is meant to be a starting point for better understanding virtual reality of 3D objects and 3D space through haptic feedback.

This project uses Leap Motion to detect hand location in 3D space, Unity to 3D model the scene, imports to connect to the Leap Motion, and Uniduino to connect to the Arduino for Haptic Feedback.


Future developments would allow low cost learning to easily access complex systems and how to build them through virtual reality. Students would learn to build mechanical objects with their hands, when they don’t have access to physical components of a mechanical systems because it doesn’t exist anymore or it is too expensive to gain access to.Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 7.54.25 PM

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Haptic Control Update

Final Project — amyfried @ 7:23 pm

“Quake” by Amy Friedman (2014)


Quake utilizes csv files reom the USGS website, to simulate the magnitude of earthquakes occurring throughout the past 7 days. The USGS updates its systems every 5-15 minutes to map earthquakes that have happened recently and over the past few months, and further past. Quake brings awareness to the common occurrence of earthquakes, and acknowledges the 10 levels of magnitude of an earthquake. Some quakes occur and no one feels them, but they happened and it occurs more often around the world than one is aware of.

Using a solenoid and dividing

USGS Magnitude Scale of Earthquakes

CSV file can be found USGS Spreadsheet Applications

“Haptic Texture” by Amy Friedman (2014)

Final Project,Student Work — amyfried @ 1:52 pm

“Sensation.” by Amy Friedman (2014)

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We constantly have stresses in our life that overwhelm us from time to time. We dont realize the impact our stressful lifestyle can have on our bodies and overall well being. Stress can induce heart problems, skin conditions, increased heart rate, depression, anxiety and more. People need to take moments to just breathe and learn how to relax for a few moments in times of pressure to maintain healthy living.

Sensation. measures your pulse and allows you to understand your heart palputations visually through a wearable lighting system. If your heart is beating over the healthy limit of beats per minute, embedded motors rotate to create a massage to sooth your stress and focus upon another task to lower your heart rate. Users of Sensation. can also manipulate the patterns of the massage by moving your finger over a position sensor. The device uses an Arduino, softpot Position sensor, 4 cellphone motors, string LEDs, and a pulse sensor.

“Mi.Mu” by Imogen Heap (2014)

Wearable tech which allows music manipulation through movement of hands by wearing gloves. Allows control of music “more naturally” according to Imogen. It utilizes haptic motors, high pressure flex sensors, IMU motion tracker, and RGB LED.


Even More..

“Nod” by Nod, Inc. (2014)

Wireless ring controller that allows hand movements to control computers, smart TVs to create notes, control outputs, and more.

Even More..

“Rocketskates™” by Peter Treadway and ACTON, Inc. (2014)

Skates that are controlled by the users movements and wireless controlled.

Even More..

“LUMOback™” by Lumo BodyTech, Inc. (2014)

Sensor created by Lumo BodyTech, Inc. the detects back posture throughout the day wherever you go.


Even More..

“Wearable Tech for Fitness” by Athos (2014)

Wearable shorts and shirts created by Athos that track your balance, muscle output, and heart rate,and more. This product utilizes embedded magnometers, breathing sensors, heart rate sensors, and emg sensors.


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