Chairs / Conversation Part 2 by BoRi Lee (2013)

Uncategorized — Bo Ri Lee @ 11:43 pm




This prototype is one of my designs that I had created for the project. It was near to what I had planned but there was few things to improve in my design.


First of all, the holes that were made to make the chair rocking wasn’t in the right place. Although I did plan in Rhino, it wasn’t properly measured so I had to make the hole larger by hand. It seems that I need to adjust the holes again and make it a little bigger so it would be able to fit in with ease.

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Also the back part of the chair wasn’t fitting in clearly due to small number changes that was made during the process which I will have to calculate again. Besides the back part I need to figure out how to put the chair together. Because I had tried it in a order that made some parts not fit in so perfectly one of the vertical pieces for the chair was broken into two. I think that I will probably try a different order to put the chairs together, putting the round wheels and horizontal sections of the chair together and then moving on to the vertical parts of the chair.


And the chair might seem a little to short for someone who is very tall, which was a factor that I forgot to consider when I was making the chair. It is a part that I will have to change again.


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