Simulated Nature: “MY Family Tree” by Alysia Finger (2013)


My final piece, entitled “MY Family Tree”, was made using a CNC router. I used 3 sheets of .25″ Masonite with various circle cut into them to simulate the look of dividing cells. To achieve this look, I used Nervous System’s Radiolaria application to divide the “cells” corresponding to “1”s in translated binary code. Each sheet represents a member of my direct family: the red layer represents me, the black layer represents my boyfriend, and the silver layer represents my daughter. Our names and birth dates were translated into binary code and used to create the patterns in the piece. When overlaid, the audience can see some similarities and differences in our patterns. I personally appreciate the diagonal string of “0”s that runs through each of our layers. When stacked, the three distinct layers create a complex finished piece. I am able to continue to add layers to this piece as my family grows, hence, it will act as my own variation of a family tree.

This piece is meant to hang in my apartment’s living room as wall art.

I placed the work at my campus’s Biomolecular Engineering department for the in-class critique. I chose this location for a number of reasons. It was conveniently located near the classroom. It mimics the color palette of my piece. And most importantly, Biomolecular Engineering is the “purposeful manipulation of molecules of biological origin”, so the sentiment mimics my method of creating the piece, as well as the theme of the project. I very much appreciate the idea of “purposeful manipulation” in regards to a family tree. I have always hated family trees, because the family tree I grew up with was so screwed up and misleading. Biological relation means little to me because you can’t choose the family you were born into or who chose to stay a part of your family. Most of the people I would consider family wouldn’t necessary be a part of my family tree because we aren’t related by blood or even marriage. So beginning my own family tree through a piece like this is pretty meaningful, because I have purposefully placed these people in my life.

Instrument of Persuasion: “Handmade in France & MADE IN CHINA” by Charlotte Stiles (2013)

Assignment,Final Project,Laser Cutter,Rhino3D — Charlotte Stiles @ 1:18 pm

choo1 choo2 choo3 choo5 choo4choo7choo8 choo9

Simulated Nature: “Hope for the Dead When the Living Play God” by Luca Damasco (2013)

Perspective_WB Front_WBProfile_WB Back_WBGears2Profile2_HospProfile_Hosp


As science continues to develop new ways of perfecting the human body, will these advancements ever turn against the human race as a whole? Together, the living will “play God” hailing the possibility of immortality whilst disregarding the consequences of a life without death.

An abstracted chest encapsulating a mechanical heart.

Simulated Nature: “Seismotectonics” by Isabella Antolic-Soban (2013)














Two Chairs/Conversation Part 3: “If We Could Speak Once More; but Only in a Dream.” by Luca Damasco (2013)


     Imagine being able to talk with the person who taught you everything you know; being able to speak with them one last time. Alas, after their death, It can only happen in a dream. Black, symbolic of loss and death, and white, symbolic of life and vitality, cover each piece.; scarring in some areas and healing in others. The harshness of each angle combined with the heavy contrast in color allow each person who sits in the chair to assume a new role. “The Wiser”, tall, strong and bold or “The Lesser”, assuming a shorter stance, yearning in imitation of their “master’s” persona.

Two Chairs/Conversation Part 3: “And Who’d Have Guessed They’d Come Together on Their Own?” by Charlotte Stiles


A bona fide conversation between two people who can overlook their differences in appearance or class strikes up where there is nothing to cover up who they truly are. Bare wood, bare walls, only the two chairs and some light.


Two Chairs/Conversation Part 3 “Serene in Chaos” by Becca Epstein














Two Chairs and a Conversation Part 3: “Temporarily Unrequited” by Isabella Antolic-Soban (2013)

















Chairs/Conversation part 2 by Luca Damasco (2013)


 Ldamasco_ChairFront_Clean_EditThis first prototype of my chair has assured me that the design is both functional and of reasonable size.
Ldamasco_ChairBack_Clean_EditThe main structural integrity of the chair is fine, however the backing of the chair requires some reinforcement.

Ldamasco_ChairProfile_Clean_Edit I will probably need to place a piece of wood perpendicular to the backing of the chair on either side running down to the floor.

Ldamasco_ChairPerspective_Clean_EditThe main aesthetic design is a bit different than what I had first envisioned however I really enjoy it and would like to continue to use this style.

Ldamasco_ChairFront_Paint_EditFor my next iteration of the chair I would like to keep the form of the chair almost the same but create complex etchings and designs to the chair in order to make it seem more ornate.

Ldamasco_ChairProfile_Paint_EditThe painted prototype has also helped me envision what I would like my color scheme to be. The color also shows very nicely on camera which should make photographing the piece much easier.

Ldamasco_ChairPerspective_Paint_EditThe Burnt Sienna with white accents seems to allow the chair to be a part of two different realms; a classic, adult style  and a child’s room style. This can work very effectively with my upcoming altered concept.

Two Chairs and a Conversation Part Two: “Temporarily Unrequited” by Isabella Antolic-Soban (2013)


The proportions are not as I would like them, so I must rescale the pieces to where an adult human would be able to sit in it.


I also need to add lips to the bottom support beam. I plan to redesign the bottom “feet”, to where there is less surface area of the chair that is touching the floor.




Upon rescaling, the armrest might become less stable, so a redesign of that would fix the issue.

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