Chairs/Conversation part 2: by Gwen Sadler (2013)

Assignment,CNC Router,Submission — gsadler @ 8:30 pm



This prototype represents one of my designs. Although it went fairly well, I found quite a few things to improve my design by creating this prototype.


I discovered I need to resize the support piece and the slot for it on the back legs . I’m also considering putting the support on the front legs after sitting in the chair myself. I also plan to make the cut out between the two legs more ornate on the final chair.


I also need to realign and measure my finger joints that attach the seat to the legs. They did eventually fit together but it was a bit too tight.


I also need to remember to change my approach in rhinoCAM  as you can see where the approach cut into the back of the chair pieces

And as for proportions…



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