Chairs/Conversation Part 2 by Becca Epstein (2013)

Assignment,CNC Router,Rhino3D,Submission,Technique — Rebecca Epstein @ 5:30 pm




chairPrototype4Visually, this chair came out the way I envisioned it, but it was not physically secure. The triangular support pieces I made did not fit correctly and I had to leave them out. I plan on making pieces to secure the legs against the table top on both sides in the next version. I will also make it so the legs do not connect all the way to the surface. This time to hide the ugly bruises of the legs sticking up, I cut another circle to place on top. I found the size of the seat and the height of the chair to work for the idea I was trying to capture. On the next version, I want to make the placement of the legs look more purposeful. I did very carefully choose where to put the legs, but it seems from the sideways view, very random. Another addition I would make is a cushion. A flat surface as a chair is not meant to be something to lounge on, but at the moment, it would be difficult to even relax with how hard the chair is.


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