Two Chairs and a Conversation: “Tom Killed Himself While Jane Prayed for His Soul” by Ji Heon Han (2013)

Uncategorized — jiheonh @ 5:33 pm





Two identical chairs, one with a box of a revolver and a bullet, one with the Bible.

It is a suicide kit, which people can use to act out or re-enact killing of oneself without getting hurt.

A laser-cut box will be used to store a “toy” gun and a bullet, while a real Bible sits on the other chair.

A pattern of a cross is essential, since first, it is good to look at

and second, my starting point comes from the Christian notion of shooting oneself in the head to “get rid of all the bad thoughts”.

I imagined, Tom wants to kill himself.

Jane would not like him to die, but also knows that she cannot stop him.

All Jane can do for now is to talk to him briefly and read the verses until there goes a sound.

Chair Site 1

Chair Site 2

Chair Site 3




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