Laser Cutter Example: “Attempt at modular Laser cut MDF terrain” by daviddasilva (2013)

Artists,Laser Cutter,Reference,Technique — zachrispoli @ 4:14 pm


“Been working on this project for the past few months and so far the feedback at our LGS has been encouraging. hoping to launch a kickstarter in the next few days and looking for some feedback before continuing

the walls come in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 inch sections, all walls are double sided, the floors come in several sizes and they are made so the buildings/structures can be put together and taken apart in minutes and stored in a small box ( I should be able to fill an entire table with a shoe box’es worth). we are burning more prototypes this week and should have more pictures by the end of the week.”
– daviddasilva

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