“Chinese artist Liu Bolin camouflages himself into urban backdrops using acrylic paint, becoming “The Invisible Man.” We went behind the scenes of his blending process at London’s SCREAM gallery to document his process as he created two new, unreleased works, using director Jack Newman as his chameleon-like subject.”
Nick Cave’s Soundsuits utilize an array of ordinary objects, such as twigs, buttons, and hair, in an extraordinary way. He created oversized, African-inspired full-body suits which move and dance with visual and auditorial vibrance. more…
“The postexhibition in Milan showcased three original artworks, each harnessing interactive technology to create immersive experiences, and explore new relationships to digital content.”
In a world of digital permanence, especially through social media, people have lost the ability to live off impulse. We spend hours manipulating a simple Facebook post in order to present emotions that may not coincide with what we feel inside. “Museum of Secrets” is a outlet for the human impulse to share our most honest thoughts and feelings. It is a safe and anonymous way to shout our secrets into the world, yet there is no way of knowing who, if anyone, is receiving what you have to share.