Mystical Blessings for Finals Week

Assignment,Final Project — Tags: — scheung3 @ 5:50 pm


After re-evaluating problems with my previous final project iteration I chose to change directions completely and start fresh with a whole new project.

Feeling the stress of finals, I decided to intervene in a way that would let others and myself relax and gather positive thoughts. To do this I assumed the role of a mystic shaman and gave blessings to others for good luck during finals week. I drew inspiration from meditation, hypnotism, CMU lore, and pop culture in formulating my words and traveled to various places around campus to give these blessings.

I wanted to travel to the places where people were working because most people are reluctant to move from their place of study during finals. I carefully considered the role of props and decided on a minimalist approach given the fact that I was to be mobile and needed to set up/tear down quickly. The LED crystals we held in our hands were ideal for this because they were easy to use and stimulated a psychic energy connection between us.

I was pleased with the reception I got from those who received blessings and with how smoothly the performances went.


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