This is attempt number 2 at using the drone in side the box. It is now a more personal experience, with the use of headphones that magnify the sound that is created by the drone in side the box. and using a cell phone. The box is lit from the inside, and the drone is now powered by a plug so it has an infinite power supply. You can view a video from the drones camera here which shows what the participant sees when they are flying the drone. This is not the final rendition of this project but I am in need of more time and funds to work out some of the issues with the many cords, and the frame and space in which this is in.

Each car run the similar code and can be assign different role with different behavior wirelessly by the computer.
Emergent Behavior of Robotcars from Chen Geng on Vimeo.
Part 2 of Robot Mouse Project. I wanted to continue with my theme of bringing everyday electronics to life and give them a story to tell. These mice fight over a piece of cheese until something unexpected happens.
For this project I took apart an old computer mouse and turned it into a remote control computer mouse. While it no longer serves its original purpose, it has been transformed from a functional but broken device into a useless but working device. This piece is also a visual pun, because it rolls around on the ground like a living mouse.

This mouse is a piece of rogue technology which has come to life, but instead of trying to take over the world it simply is content to roll around on the floor.

Pinokio is an animatronic lamp that is an exploration into the expressive and behavioral potentials of robotic computing. A webcam, microphone, servos, and halogen globe are hacked along with Arduino and OpenCV to bring the lamp to life. More info here
The piece was created for the english indie band, The XX. It consists of a room full of stepper motor controlled Sonos speakers that pivot to follow listeners as they move through the space. More info here
Vincent and emily are two self-willed robots designed to explore solitude of a partner relationship and their impulses. The robots capture sounds and movement via sensors and react on those signals with their own expressions. More info here