box 2.0





This is attempt number 2 at using the drone in side the box. It is now a more personal experience, with the use of headphones that magnify the sound that is created by the drone in side the box. and using a cell phone. The box is lit from the inside, and the drone is now powered by a plug so it has an infinite power supply. You can view a video from the drones camera here which shows what the participant sees when they are flying the drone.  This is not the final rendition of this project but I am in need of more time and funds to work out some of the issues with the many cords, and the frame and space in which this is in.

Design assignment 4: Box1

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“Missing: An Interactive installation” by Aramique Krauthamer and Kyle McDonald(2012)

Artists,Instrument,Robotics — Ayo Olubeko @ 10:12 pm

The piece was created for the english indie band, The XX. It consists of a room full of stepper motor controlled Sonos speakers that pivot to follow listeners as they move through the space. More info here

“Vincent & Emily” by Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler and Carolin Liebl(2013)

Artists,Instrument,Robotics,Uncategorized — Ayo Olubeko @ 10:08 pm

Vincent and emily are two self-willed robots designed to explore solitude of a partner relationship and their impulses. The robots capture sounds and movement via sensors and react on those signals with their own expressions. More info here

“Artists, Robots, Simultaneous Portraits” by Alex Kiessling (2013)

Artists,Instrument,Robotics — Ayo Olubeko @ 9:52 pm

In this piece, Viennese artist Alex Kiessling creates three artworks simultaneously in three European cities with the help of two robots. The final result is three independent, yet connected pieces that can be regarded as a global work. More info here

Drawing Robot by Sonice Development (2012)

Instrument,Reference — mvarner @ 3:12 pm

The Drawing Robot is a robot that can be attached to a wall. It uses a wall detection algorithm to avoid crashing, and draws in a relatively straight line otherwise, resulting in large scribbles spanning the entire wall it was placed.

Robo-Rainbow by CROMATICS (2011)

Artists,Instrument,Reference — mvarner @ 3:08 pm

Robo-Rainbow is a bike attachment that lets the biker to automatically spray-paint a large rainbow on an outdoor wall while still on their bike, allowing for a quick exit when finished.

“Bugs Draw For Me” by Harvey Moon (2013)

Instrument,Reference,Robotics — rcaticha @ 2:32 pm

Harvey Moon created robotic drawing machines that create and illustrate things by removing the human hand. This specific piece is controlled by a cricket’s movement.

More information here.

“The Tree That Blinked” by Karel Beta (2012)

Artists,Instrument,Projection,Reference — Ayo Olubeko @ 2:39 am

Karel created this piece as a response to a challenge from Jonathan Ross as part of the “Faces and Traces” exhibition of self-portraits at the 286 Gallery in London.

“Urban Flipper” by Fête des Lumiere (2011)

Artists,Instrument,Projection,Reference — rcaticha @ 6:02 pm

This large-scale projection turns the facade of a building into an interactive pin-ball machine. By incorporating the original architecture of the building, they succeed in making it almost blend in with the environment.

More information here.

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