
CNC Router,Final Project — jbrieger @ 4:55 am


I CNC’d the jig, put in dowels, then wrapped thin aluminum strips to create pasta cutters.  I think the stop-motion captured the process pretty well.  I wasn’t able to get good filling, so I just made them as flat shapes.  Still turned out pretty tasty.



3D Printed Spires




Modeled from a 3D scan of clay spires, then inserted into Rhino and multiplied. Printed with ABS plastic.


Documentation5 Documentation4 Documentation3



CNC Routed mold, which was used to cast horns out of polyester casting resin.

CNC Final Project- Headrest

CNC Router,Final Project,Submission,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — sonikamisra @ 3:50 pm




Rachel June park- 3D printing and Cnc router documentation

3D Printer,Assignment,CNC Router,Final Project — racheljpark @ 12:41 pm

Find Your Own Zen Stamp

CNC Router,Final Project — Tags: , , , , — nsardo @ 6:23 am



I created a stamp that would represent the way I go about finding my inner peace. I believe that by screaming meaningless obscenities at things that don’t really matter, I can let off steam in small bursts so that I don’t explode when something serious happens. This huge stamp represents that ideology. I made a mold using the CNC router and then used silicone rubber to make my letters, which I then glued to a wood piece with a handle on the back.

DSC_0434DSC_0437 DSC_0440 DSC_0450 DSC_0453

Final Project: Self as Strata

Final Project — magnopistachio @ 2:49 am

self as strata

Final Project

I used the laser cutter for my final project, there is a video that goes with it, I have posted the link to VIMEO below.

video here (Copy and paste into browser): https://vimeo.com/61429874

Stills posted below:


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