Tool of Persuasion: Patient vs Therapist by Will Taylor (2013)

Assignment,CNC Router,Final Project,Laser Cutter — Will Taylor @ 6:22 pm










Therapy can be considered a tool of persuasion. For this assignment, I created a tool that a therapist could in an exercise  to understand a child’s emotions. In addition, I designed an environment that facilitates interactions between the patient and the therapist. This work examines the relationship between a patient and therapist.

Two Chairs and a Conversation pt 2: “give up.” by Will Taylor (2013)

 Figure 1

(Conversation between Humans + Environment)


Screenshot 2013-11-19 16.52.03









My goal for this project was to examine human interactions within a predetermined space. I chose my dorm room for this environment, because participants would be familiar with the layout, but not the contents of the room. For this experiment, I examined three males and three females interactions with the space. The general demographics were “Educated young adults with a mixed range of diversities.” None of the participants had perviously seen the stool. This experiment  would require them to imagine what the object might look like as they searched.

Before letting participants into the room, I explained the rules of the examination:

1.) You are given an unlimited amount of time to find the two stools hidden in this room.

2.) The stools may be hidden anywhere in the room.

3.) You may give up at any time.

As soon as a participant entered the room, I began a timer and documented all movements within the space. I recorded how long it took for each participant to find one stool and how long it would take for them to give up on finding the second. Additionally, I would quote the subject when they would opt to stop the test. I made a stylistic choice not to paint the stool that was to be hidden in the room. I found that that natural color of MDF allowed the stool to blend with my wooden dresser, on top of which the object would be hidden.

Figure 1 Analysis:

Average time for participants to give up = 4:08.66 (

Average time for participants to find the first stool = 2:34.50

Objects most mistaken for stools: Coasters, bed-risers, shoe rack, stool decoy (box under blanket)

Location most visited by participants = Under the bed on the right side (further location-analysis available upon request)

All participants started the experiment on the right side of the room. One of my hypotheses is that they begin on the right side because it is my side of the room. However, I figure this decision might have also been affected by the direction the door opens or the fact that all participants were right handed. Testing in multiple environments would be necessary to pursue this finding.

At first, each participant was apprehensive about searching the room, commenting about how they felt uncomfortable going through my things. I found this interesting, because I explicitly told them they could search anywhere in the room. This got me thinking about the relationship between humans and their possessions. I’ve determined that, to some extent, humans have an intimate relationship with their things. That being said, the participants may have been uncomfortable disrupting this relationship by searching through my (and my room mate’s) belongings.

In this project I found an additional conversation at the end of each test, within participants’ closing statements. I have created a word cloud to illustrate this interaction.

Screenshot 2013-11-19 15.21.21


Two Chairs and a Conversatoin: “There are two stools in this room” by Will Taylor (2013)

Laser Cutter,Student Work,Uncategorized — Tags: , — Will Taylor @ 6:54 am



stool3For this piece, one stool will be placed in a room. As a participant enters the room, I will tell them there are two stools in the room that they must find. One of the stools does not exist. From there on, I will track the movement of the participant throughout the environment. The piece contains several conversations, one of which being the conversation between the participant and the environment. Once I have gathered enough data, I will create a visual representation of participants’ interaction with the physical stool and the environment.

Imaginary Landscape: “The Embodiment of Frustration” by Will Taylor

Laser Cutter,Student Work — Tags: , , , — Will Taylor @ 5:57 pm








Goodbye Box


Ever have one of those weeks when you’re so frustrated that you just want to jump off a bridge? This past week I sure did. “The Embodiment of Frustration” is a piece that encompasses my struggle with negative feelings and emotions.


Overall, creating this piece was immensely therapeutic. The process began as I was leaving Doherty late Wednesday night. Upon exiting the building, I was greeted by cold autumn rain. I had no umbrella, hood, or plastic to cover my project. I was so beaten down by this point that I decided to accept the situation for what it was and trudge through the rain.


When I got back to my dorm, drenched from head to toe, I knew that I needed to find a creative outlet in order to feel better. I decided to express my frustrations in a physical way by writing horrible, disgusting thoughts onto lotus leaves made from cardboard and Masonite. I utilized the materials stylistically by writing my less-significant problems on cardboard leaves and more impactful issues on Masonite. After expressing over 75 negative thoughts, I broke each leaf in half and put them in the box. This box now embodied my negativity and emotions, but wouldn’t contain them completely because of the holes cut into the sides.


After creating this landscape, I created a series of photographs depicting environments I associate with the negative energies now represented by this box. The use of this object in each space allowed me to view my negativity from a different perspective. In an act of liberation, I ended the series by throwing my problems off a bridge. This brought about a feeling of liberation and closure.

Laser Cutter Example: -Untitled- by Briony Cloke

Laser-cut-3This piece was made by laser cutting holes into plywood, then laser cutting the shape of a butterfly. The piece was then mounted onto glass, which creates depth by adding shadows and reflections.

Laser Cutter Example “Emily Gray” by Heritage Inlay Design

Emily GrayThe piece was made by cutting each value in a different color acrylic. The artist then layered the acrylic to form the image. This is similar to printmaking.


Laser Cutter Example: “untitled” by Scott Campbell

Laser-cut-1This piece was created by laser cutting a design into 1 dollar bills. The bills were then stacked to form a layered image. The image of Jesus cut into money is very impactful to the viewer.

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