Two Chairs and a Conversatoin: “There are two stools in this room” by Will Taylor (2013)

Laser Cutter,Student Work,Uncategorized — Tags: , — Will Taylor @ 6:54 am



stool3For this piece, one stool will be placed in a room. As a participant enters the room, I will tell them there are two stools in the room that they must find. One of the stools does not exist. From there on, I will track the movement of the participant throughout the environment. The piece contains several conversations, one of which being the conversation between the participant and the environment. Once I have gathered enough data, I will create a visual representation of participants’ interaction with the physical stool and the environment.

1 Comment »

  1. details:
    your pictures are either out of focus, or not enough pixels to make 500 width (i.e. originally low res pix?); please fix.

    also, please remove the “Uncategorized” category from the post

    Comment by Ali Momeni — November 17, 2013 @ 9:47 pm

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