This robot draws a portrait of a person who is sitting in front of the camera. It questions what robots can’t do and what humans can’t do. This robot draws, more accurately than an artist can. When all it does is replicate the figure in data, is it really art?
More here.
Roboticist Raffaello D’Andrea explores the possibilities of autonomous technology. For more information go here.
These are paintings done with RC cars in place of brushes. To read the article about him go here.
The Mondo Spider is a collaborative contemporary art project that challenges the dominant perception of locomotion, energy and power through the process of creating and exhibiting a 1,500lb 8-legged electro-mechanical walking vehicle. Coupled with our 3kW solar array, Mondo Spider is regularly exhibited internationally with the aim of inspiring awe and wonder. Read more
Artists and programmers in the UK have decided to improve upon the male and female symbols outside many toilet facilities. They’ve developed a set of robotic arms that take pictures of people entering into a bathroom and then use that image to create a unique drawing to place outside the door. It then wipes away this art to make room for the next person’s caricature. Read more

This piece by British artist Conrad Shawcross created the ADA Project in Australia, which consists of four musical compositions that complement this robotic light show. The robot consists of an art with halogen lights at the end that move in an aesthetically pleasing choreographed way. Shawcross was inspired by the work of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage.
More information here.

Harvey Moon created robotic drawing machines that create and illustrate things by removing the human hand. This specific piece is controlled by a cricket’s movement.
More information here.
Nicholas Hanna demonstrates how his customised tricycle mimics the Chinese custom of writing temporary messages on the road with water.Read more
Steve Norris sets out to create an outdoor robot that would use all metal construction and include a suspension system. Being relegated to the great outdoors he also wanted to give it some harmless (but fun) defensive capabilities as well. In honor of it predecessor he is naming this robot PatrolBot Mark II. And with its suspension and defensive systems he now have a robot that can smooth out the bumps and kick butt all at the same time.Read more
This machine uses artificial intelligence to paint its own body of work and to make its own decisions. While doing so, it listens to its environment and considers what it hears as input into the painting process. In the absence of someone or something else making sound in its presence, the machine, like many artists, listens to itself. Read more.