“Juggling Humanoid Robot” by Disney (2012)

Reference,Robotics — jbedford @ 5:51 pm



“The Most Useless Machine” by Anonomous (2009)

Reference,Robotics — jbedford @ 5:45 pm


even more…

“Fua-men” by AISEI (2009)

Reference,Robotics — jbedford @ 5:39 pm



“Rotundus” by Robot Dalen (2008)

Reference,Robotics — jbedford @ 5:33 pm



Projection Project by Job Bedford and Brian Pettitt-Schieber

Assignment,In-Class,Projection — jbedford @ 3:12 pm

“News Puff”

We will project clips of the corporate news media onto smoke escaping from the Cloud Factory. The amorphous quality of the smoke will challenge the fixed, clearly-defined and over-simplified truths that the corporate news media attempts to convey.
2014-02-08 18.27.36 HDR

2014-02-08 18.17.30

2014-02-08 18.32.46

Out in the field:

We originally tried the Cloud Factory next to the Carnegie Library, but we soon learned the limitations of our projector.

2014-02-06 18.12.09

Design Assignment 2: Observation of UC Blackchairs

Assignment — jbedford @ 5:29 pm

2014-01-22 17.01.42

1.) Place of high Public inflow and outflow. seen as a communal ground for relaxing in between classes, socializing, being productive in a warm environment, iconic meeting place, and a comfortable sleeping area for those rough nights at CMU.
2014-01-22 17.00.58
2.) Leverage factors:
Constants, Parameters: 20 comfortable chairs. 4 coffee tables
Times most Populated: 4:30-6:00 after classes, 11:30-1:00 Lunch
Objective: Comfortable communal area. Oasis from classes.
No formal rules.
Sound: Regular conversation background, but not noisy.
2014-01-22 17.03.21
3.) Usual Public Behavior: Playing games on electronic device, passing through (traffic), conversation, attempting to do work, sleeping. Especially reclining in a relaxed laid back position.

“L.A.S.E.R. Tag” by Evan Roth & Graffiti Research Lab (2006)

Projection,Reference — jbedford @ 6:20 pm



from: http://www.eyebeam.org/projects/laser-tag


“Tetris on the Green Building” by MIT (2012)

Assignment,Reference — jbedford @ 6:12 pm



from: http://hacks.mit.edu/by_year/2012/tetris/


Design Assignment 1: Action in Entropy of Batteries

Assignment — jbedford @ 6:04 pm

Attempting to feed ones self. A lone robot shops for batteries:

Inspiration: General public want to integrate robots into modern day society, but to what extent is that taken too far. Too the point of human sized robot playing the role of grocery shopping for a batteries.
Looking back this robot was rather intimidating.

2014-01-19 12.06.54

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