1. Getting out of bed
Input: Snooze Button
Output: Awake
Feedback: How long did it take me to get up?
Change: Set no alarm, stress of having no alarm got me out of bed right away.
2. Showering
Input: Me (dirty)
Output: Me (clean)
Feedback: Do I feel clean/ do I look clean?
Change: No shower, use time for breakfast instead.
3. Getting dressed
Input: Clothing, anxiety
Output: Me (with clothes on )
Feedback: How many times did I change in the process?
Change: Put on the first thing I see.
4. Making the Bed
Input: Messy bed
Output: Neat bed
Feedback: Did I come home to a neat bed?
Change: Make bed later, would rather be on time.
5. Doing Dishes
Input: Dirty dishes
Output: Clean dishes
Feedback: Do I have dishes to eat off of?
Change: Don’t do dishes, someone else can this time.
6. Forget Breakfast
Input: Poor time management and priorities
Output: I am hungry at school
Feedback: Do I need to buy something to eat at school?
Change: Make and eat breakfast.
7. Driving to School
Input: Lazy, $$$
Output: At school in 5 mins
Feedback: Did I get to class on time?
Change: Leave earlier, walk.
8. Cigarette on the way to school
Input: Camel Blue
Output: Habit/ craving filled
Feedback: Does this make me feel good in the long run?
Change: Left cigarettes at home for the day.
9. Be a couple minutes late to class
Input: Poor time management
Output: Final grade in first class of the day drops due to lates
Feedback: Why am I late today?
Change: Wore a watch that was 5 minutes fast- no longer late.
10. Forget to check email
Input: 2 email addresses, so much junk mail
Output: Miss potentially important things
Feedback: How can I make sure I read my email?
Change: Spend a day responding to every email I get