Mirror Image
Collaboration with Melanie Kim.
We used IFTTT to create an automated chain of text messages. The trigger to receive the next text message with the next set of directions is a tag on instagram that is specified in the previous text message. We directed the participants to take pictures of what they felt the text messages described,
these (imgur.com/a/9Ym2v) are the red marker (Jaime)’s actual locations,
and these (imgur.com/a/dl8sH) are the blue marker (Dan)’s actual locations.
For their photos, check out their instagram: @cmu14tjjr / @dan54j
For a static map of their journey, check out google maps: mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/edit?hl=en&authuser=0&mid=zUdXFLBbqpv8.kyydkyEVpEtA
Their final destination was Gene’s Last Chance, which was permanently closed.
please embed the images and maps that you link to, instead of bare URLs!