“Graphology” Madalyn Gryger (2014)

Student Work,Submission,Systems Thinking — mgryger @ 11:30 pm

graphology 1graphology 2

“Collected Absences” by Sarah (2014)

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I am fascinated by the entire life cycle of objects, including the part of the object’s history that continues after its use.  I collected objects that were broken or missing pieces.  These details would otherwise render the objects useless or undesirable.  I searched for some connection to the object’s larger history or to the human relationship with the object.

Collection- “8 Legs/ Come Sit” (2014)

Assignment,Systems Thinking — chentsch @ 2:56 pm


“Straight Guy Humping Pillow”
GIF Image



“Incredibly passionate real sex scene”
GIF Image



“Hot lesbians get it on in disapproving moms house”
GIF Image



“Naughty blond babysitter gets fucked hard from behind”
GIF Image




“College girl takes her first black cock”
GIF Image



“Collection” by Nicholas Sardo (2014)

Assignment,Student Work,Systems Thinking — nicksardo @ 1:05 pm




Collections are most often precious; perfectly arranged china, priceless dolls in a dark wood cabinet, etc. These kinds of things are what comes to mind for me when I hear “collection”. For most, the reason for collecting is because of the value of the items. For this project then, I decided to go the opposite way. I wanted to make a collection of objects that interested me visually, but held no significant value on their own. I was also interested in the idea of narrative, seeing how placing a couple incongruous objects in an otherwise similar group could suggest a story.

See the presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RUDevy0mhg1Qw0W7oI25E2l72Sp6YvULo9xew9pEpQc/edit?usp=sharing

“Buried in Snow” by Ralph Kim (2014)

Assignment,Systems Thinking — ralph @ 12:26 pm












“10 Systems: Part 2” by Sarah (2014)

The system I chose to target for 24 hours was Education.  In Part 1, I determined that one of the outputs of the Education system is ‘Demonstrated Learning.’   ‘Demonstrated Learning,’ I determined, usually comes in the forms of essay papers, artistic works, or grades on exams.  I selected ‘Demonstrated Learning’ as a Leverage point, and concluded that I could disrupt this system by producing nothing, showing no evidence of learning.

For 24 hours, I thought about various ways to complete this assignment and break systems of my daily life routines.  In the end, I attempted no new behaviors and produced nothing more than this blog post.  By making no changes to my daily routine, I did not complete the assignment for Concept III: Systems and Processes.

“10 Systems: Part II” by Sam Ticknor (2014)


These drawings are the evidence of an experiment.  ‘Spending Free Time’ and ‘Observing Others’ were the primary systems affected by this work.

Instead of spending my free time on Facebook, I sketched the people around me.

Instead of observing others via Facebook, I took a closer look at how people were interacting in the physical world.

“10 Systems: Part I” by Sam Ticknor (2014)

  1. Spending Free Time
    Input: Free time/boredom
    Procedure: Kill time on internet/Observe world around me through computer
    Output: Information I’ve gathered from my time on the web (most often, nothing relevant)
    Feedback: Is the information obtained helpful to me
    Broken: I blocked facebook for a day.  With the time I normally spend on facebook, I was observed and sketched non-virtual people around me.
  2. Artistic Expression
    Input: Desire to make some prints
    Procedure: Gather inks, generate content, screen print protocol
    Output: Prints/Editions
    Feedback: Am I pleased with the product based on the amount of work I put in
    Broken: I decided to try a method of printing that was entirely new to me, CMYK screen printing. Wasn’t entirely pleased with product, but am looking forward to making more CMYK prints in the future.
  3. Grooming
    Input: Hair state in the morning
    Procedure: If hair is manageable, leave it down, else put it up
    Output: How I wear my hair for that day
    Feedback: Does the style I chose positively affect my day
    Broken: Instead of letting my hair decide how it would be worn, I decided the night before, and followed through with my plans 
  4. Pupil Life
    Input: Prompt for class assignment
    Procedure: Generate ideas -> generate work -> submit for critique
    Output: Work to be critiqued
    Feedback: Literal feedback at critique & what I learned about my artistic process
    Broken: I am weary of creating work for critique. For the first time in a while, I disregarded my assignments and made some work for myself, a couple stuffed animals.
  5. Stress Relief
    Input: Stress
    Procedure: ‘stress-relievers’, sleep, attempting to ignore stress
    Output: More stress
    Feedback: Are my stressful responsibilities resolved? Due to my poor stress management, no.
    Broken: I dropped a class which will allow me to spend more time on other responsibilities.
  6. Family
    Input: Desire to remain close to family
    Procedure: Text/call family alerting them I want to skype. We begin to skype but when I hear that friends arrive outside of the room, make an excuse to end call and go hang out.
    Output: Guilt, less close with family
    Feedback: Am I happy with my relationships with my family.
    Broken: This weekend, I set aside an hour and a half to skye with my parents. I made sure that I did not make some excuse to leave the conversation early.
  7. Capital
    Input: Need for funds
    Procedure: Work at the Miller Gallery
    Output: Money
    Feedback: Enough funding? Do I feel OK about the way that I’ve made money?
    Broken: I feel like a lazy individual at the Miller Gallery. So, I took an extra shift at the Children’s Museum this weekend. Next, I want to start selling prints/sewing works
  8. Learning
    Input: Homework assignment
    Procedure: Wait until the last minute, don’t attend lecture, scramble to finish homework
    Output: Mediocre homework assignment turned in
    Feedback: Grade
    Broken: Took some more initiative in a group project, started early
  9. Collecting
    Input: Everything
    Procedure: Hoard it
    Output: Messy room, too much stuff to handle
    Feedback: Can I even walk through my room anymore?
    Broken: Cleaned room, put a lot of things in a bag to bring to Makeshop
  10. Sharing Space
    Input: Roommate’s mood
    Procedure: If stressed, avoid
    Output: Resentment
    Feedback: # of times we have a good time together vs. # of times we have a bad time
    Broken: Instead of avoiding her when she was stressed about a homework assignment, I helped her complete it.

Madalyn Gryger– Systems Thinking (2014)

Assignment,Submission,Systems Thinking — mgryger @ 12:51 pm

The following are a few examples of systems I’ve put in place into my life, each aiming to achieve normalcy, order, and maybe even some ounce of control,  and here’s how I did some of them wrong.

1. System: Dressing
Input: Need to be clothed
Output: Outfit
Feedback: Warmth

Photo on 1-21-14 at 9.49 AM #4

Doing it wrong: Perfect for a snowy cold day?


2. System: Eating
Input: Hunger
Output: Fullness
Feedback: Enjoyment/nutritional value


Doing it wrong: Nutritious dinner.


3. System: Exercise
Input: Desire to be fit
Output: fitness
Feedback: appearance, health
Doing it wrong: Exercise as a couch potato.


4. System: Studying
Input: Desire for good grades
Output: Grades
Feedback: GPA, scores, perceived success


Doing it wrong: These books won’t read themselves, nor will I.


5. System: Makeup
Input: Desire to be beautiful
Output: My second “face”
Feedback: Compliments, perceived beauty


Doing it wrong: #nofilter #no makeup


6. System: Work
Input: Desire for money
Output: Money
Feedback: Time, money
Doing it wrong: Don’t show up for work, win the “worst employee of the month” award


7. System: Art practice
Input: Passion for art
Output: artworks
Feedback: Self-satisfaction, quality, others’ remarks


Doing it wrong: One of my more conceptual pieces.


8. System: Human contact
Input: Desire for connectedness
Output: relationships
Feedback: Satisfaction
Doing it wrong: Don’t text back when I receive texts.


9. System: Dressing
Input: Desire to be beautiful
Output: Outfit
Feedback: Compliments, perceived beauty

Photo on 1-21-14 at 9.45 AM

Doing it wrong: I’ll turn plenty of heads in this shapeless men’s hoodie.


10. For the final system, I chose to analyze my sleep patterns. Like the majority of college students I consider myself quite a night owl; I can stay up until 5 AM with relative ease but if you ask me to wake up at 5 AM I’ll hit the snooze button for a few more hours. I chose to flip this system but taking an extreme view of a morning person, and tried out a new sleep schedule. I went to sleep at 7:30 PM with the help of my exhaustion and some natural sleep supplements, and set my alarm to wake me at 3:30 AM.

I thought that perhaps I would be able to get work done in the morning with a full 8 hours of sleep behind me (which I don’t usually achieve) but when I woke up I found that the number of hours made no difference to my feelings of rested-ness–I was just as tired as any other morning, but this morning I had 7 hours to kill before my first class. I ended up just sitting around for mot of the morning, and I even watched a movie over breakfast and my morning coffee but I was entirely unproductive. As the day progressed and I made it to the afternoon I had already had a full day and was entirely exhausted but unfortunately could not take a break from my daily responsibilities to nap. 22 hours after I had awoken in the morning I finally went back to sleep, and was able to resume my regular waking hour the next day.




“10 Systems: Part 1” by Sarah (2014)


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1. Fashion
In: Clothing choices
Out: Social approval
Factors: Trends; Creativity; Price range
Feedback: Compliments; Staring
Leverage: Trends – Wear something that is a fashion trend now that is really impractical; Wear all the current trends at once

2. Communication
In: Gesture
Out: Recognition
Factors: Loneliness; Social norms; Distractions; Environment
Feedback: Response; Comfort/ Satisfaction
Leverage: Response – Respond inappropriately (yell or cry); Do not respond

3. Transportation
In: Body
Out: Body
Factors: Time; Access; Safety
Feedback: Word of mouth; Customer satisfaction
Leverage: Time – take an indirect route; Do not change position (not moving Point A to B)
*Note/Question: How does this affect/ critique the system?

4. Commerce
In: $ $ $
Out: Good/service
Factors: Want; Need; Access
Feedback: Customer satisfaction
Leverage: Access – Take too much for $ value; Affect others’ access

5. Eating
In: Food
Out: Energy (?)
Factors: Hunger; Availability
Feedback: Full/Satiated
Leverage: Hunger – Eat past ‘full’ or when not hungry; Food – Eat no food or eat ‘non-food’ material

6. Pet
In: Food; Care/Shelter
Out: Love
Factors: $$; Distractions; Time
Feedback: Pet shows affection/respect to owner; Pet wants to play; Pet allows petting/cuddling
Leverage: Time – Spend all day w/ pet instead of only feeding it.  Does pet get annoyed?

7. Education
In: Person; Attention
Out: Demonstrated Learning (Papers, Exams, Work, etc.); Knowledge
Factors: Time; $$; Availability; Resources
Feedback: Grades; Personal satisfaction
Leverage: Demonstrated – produce nothing

8. Personal Relationships
In: Person/Self
Out: Companionship
Factors: Time; Vulnerability; $
Feedback: Closeness
Leverage: Vulnerability – Don’t get vulnerable; Time – Do not be available

9. Artistic Production
In: Effort
Out: Product
Factors: Time; Materials; State of mind; Cultural demands
Feedback: Public reaction
Leverage: Materials – Create something out of nothing

10. Cleaning
In: Effort
Out: No mess; Clean sanitary surfaces
Factors: Time; Materials
Feedback: Space; Relief
Leverage: Effort – Spend time but make few changes to relieving mess.

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