Chrystal Turntable

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A record player is played through a speaker which has a rod connected inside of it which a paintbrush. Effectively oscillating the paintbrush with the speaker. The speaker is surrounded by glass structures and the speaker and ink container are mounted in wood branches. A roll of paper is pulled by the brush to the ceiling by a motor mourned there. The paper is painted with a ink line and then left on the floor.

I have mixed feelings about this piece, it demonstrates a nice way of combining audio and visual data in a way that is clear and coherent to the viewer. Its mechanics are simple and intuitive and produce an ink line that is a physical result of the sound being produced. Also, the plaster encasings for the technical parts decently bridge the gap between the very mechanical and organic materials used. However, the glass and wood don’t seem to relate that strongly to the music played and seem a little mismatched. The piece is rather simple and doesn’t work for me as more than a proof of concept. I wish the roller wasn’t mounted on the ceiling so the piece could actually be installed somewhere else.

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