Critical Design- reference for Nicole

Artists — arothera @ 3:29 pm


Artist Björn Schülke

Artists — felipecastel @ 3:55 pm

check out this guy:


Jon Kessler’s Circus

Artists — ll @ 1:42 pm

“Rape is Rape”– Projected on the Capitol 10/21/12

Reference,Uncategorized — arothera @ 5:08 am


Short Story Found here at

Bon Fire Instrument

Artists,Reference — arothera @ 5:01 am

A really nice animation. The beginning is strangely composited, but the middle of this animation is really worth seeing.

Testing the Everyday: ikea

Reference,Scientific — arothera @ 3:44 pm

I’ve always found Ikea a very strange place. Especially strange is their style of testing furniture. They create these incredible weird and awesome machines for testing their furniture. The entire goal of this machine is to try and simulate a human person or gesture (such as sitting or cabinet opening).

Two videos below (2nd one is disturbing):

-An actual machine testing how a person would sit.

Ikea commercial from the 80s possibly:

Personal Inspiration

Artists — arothera @ 7:43 am

These are my top inspirational artists I have recently come across. There are more classic examples than these people, but I’m excited about this group as I haven’t seen their work until very recently. Refreshing work!


My first new favorite body of work and huge inspiration for my senior thesis project is the work of Maywa Denki. A Japanesse artist who was maybe best known in the mid 90’s.

“Who am I? […] I wanted to create ‘products’ with a fish motif in order to discover myself”

“I decided to assume I was a fish. The fishes shape is very simple[…] If you look at non-sense from a different angle, it becomes common sense.”

*click the image for an INCREDIBLE 3 part “commercial” for his Naki series of machines.

Maywa also does an incredible series and concerts of musical instruments.



A few other artists I’m very inspired by in one way or another:

Pe Lang

Roman Signer:

Moondog – From One to Nine

Theory,Uncategorized — dwilcox @ 5:35 pm

Time signature demo from 1/4 to 9/4 by Moondog, the Viking of 6th Ave.

Moondog – From One to Nine

The Limits of Time Perception

Reference,Scientific — Ali Momeni @ 11:27 pm

Some of the key findings of experimental psychology in the perception of time
Reference: Hearing in Time by Justin London


  • Difference in stimuli mean difference in perception
    Experimental results in discrimination and perception are different for sonic and visual stimili.
  • Subjective Rhythmicization
    We group a series of identical, isochronous stiumuli into groups of twos and threes, i.e. we hear duplets and triplets or a two-beat or three-beat “measures” even when there are no structural cues.
  • Upper limit of subjective rhythmicization: about 1800ms
    Above 1800ms successive sounds are not heard as continuous; therefore we no longer hear them in terms of a coordinated motion or movement.
  • Connection between hearing/seeing rhythm and perceiving movement
    Successive visual stimuli presented within a certain temporal range give the illusion of motion


  • Shortest perceived interval: ~2ms
    Usually measured as separation time required to discern that two tone onsents are present as opposed to one.
  • Shortest ordered onset distinction: ~20ms (10 times the previous number!)
    This is the shortest time necessary to discern which onset was first and which second.
  • Longest interval that we can perceived/performed rhythmically: 5-6 seconds
  • shortest perceptual duration regardless of sensory mode: around 130ms with %5-10 accuracy
    Also shortest discernible interval between to brief sounds: (around 100ms)
    Also the minimum time to allow for the cortical processing of musical elements (around 100ms).
    Also the fastest possible vocal articulation of rapidly repeated syllables (around 120ms).
  • Shortest musical beat/pulse: 200-250ms
    At intervals less than this range, subjects begin to tap every other beat (i.e. they sub-divide)
    But we can distinguish two onsets as two when they are 100ms apart! what’s up? Hearing a “beat” requires at least the potential for subdivision.
  • Shortest anti-phrase repeatable musical beat: around ~450ms
    Stimulus is a repeated tone, subject is asked to tap/clap in between the notes
  • The “Indifference Interval”: 600-700s
    This is the tempo at which a beat is subjectively neither “too fast” or “too slow”
    Also the time interval below which subjects overestimate, and above which subjects underestimate the elapsed duration
    Also the “spontaneous temp” or “natural pace”: the tempo at which subjects tap a finger with no other instructions (there’s great variation, but the mean is ~600ms)
    Spontaneous tempo varies with age: younger subjects (4-6 years) prefer ~400ms; suggests that “spontaneous tempo” is kinematically rooted (i.e. smaller body, faster tempo)
  • The “Just Noticeable Difference”: 200-250ms
    A basic psychological measure of perceptual acuity: the shortest perceivable difference in duration between two complex stimuli; e.g. Smallest perceivable difference of duration between two six-tone sequences over a wide range of inter-onset-intervals (from 100 to 1000ms)
    The JND is proportional to the total duration of the stimuli.
  • Subject Rhythmic Organization
    Differing contexts or modes of attention affect perception of duration/interval. For example, when performers are directed to shift their attention to different levels within the metrical hierarchy in a series of performances of the same passage, focusing on the eighth notes versus quarters versus half notes causes systematic shifts in tempo: Counting at higher levels leads to faster performances.


London, J. (2004). Hearing in time: Psychological aspects of musical meter. New York: Oxford University Press.

Desain, P., & Windsor, L. (2000). Rhythm perception and production. Lisse ; Exton (PA): Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.


Old Spice Muscle Music

Reference — arothera @ 2:25 am

Thought this would be a fun first post! Alot of this isn’t real, but its actually impressive html5 stuff that lets you play your own music with this on the keyboard keys.

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