Cave of the Clive

Cave of the Clive

In this project we focused on providing an experience for our subject through a breach of privacy and narrative. We used cameras to document the daily activities of the subject and narrated their actions aloud as if we were inside a wildlife documentary, essentially we made a mockumentary of a national geographic work. We understand that this project may have many different connotations; animal rights, student life, etc. However, what we chose to focus on was the breach of privacy in a public space; we followed our subjects through their interactions with others, often leading to humiliating situations. We further invaded this privacy by publishing he documentary on DVD.

DVD Cover:



Can You Find Them? (Janet Cardiff piece)

Hey all, For today’s assignment trying to replicate the work of Janet Cardiff, our group(me, Maryyann, and Ralph) took a tour that starts right outside the elevator on the 6th floor of gates Here is the youtube link, Note that the video is sideways so that when you hold it on your mobile, it will be the correct orientation:

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