“Galleromp” by Sarah Croop and Sam Ticknor (2014)

Assignment,Student Work,Submission,Systems Thinking — Tags: — SamTicknor @ 4:57 pm

You can visit our website at galleromp.com.
The documentation is at our secret URL, Documentation

We led participants to believe that they were providing user feedback for our application, Galleromp. Galleromp is an application designed to integrate a digital experience into a physical walk through an area. Specifically, Galleromp was designed to point out and provide information on public murals in the Strip District. However, while discovering the public works in the area, our users were surprised to find us at points along the path, prompting them to contribute their own work to the public space via drawings, performances, and story telling. Galleromp was a journey meant to spark conversation between similar experiences in the digital and physical world.





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