DUE Mar. 22, 2012: Software to install on your computer

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 8:32 pm

Please see the Software Page for instructions…

DUE Wed April 25: 2012: pre-final final critique: Quick Crits!

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 5:37 pm

Please be prepared to show/tell you final project for a pre-final final-critique.
You should have

  • stage assembled
  • narrative/concept worked out
  • electronics wired/in bread board
  • detailed ideal of how the programming/interaction will function

Andy Biar Final Project

Slide 5: mass effect: http://cdn2.holytaco.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/mass-effect-3-hd-wallpaper-3.jpg
skyrim: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-319CXHEod68/TtlLgkdwaSI/AAAAAAAAAYU/wOskkP_8NR4/s1600/skyrim+cheats+hacks+mods+trainers+image.jpg
Slide 11: http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/mario01.jpg
Slide 12: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Duct-tape.jpg/300px-Duct-tape.jpg
Slide 13: http://www.allamakee.k12.ia.us/Junior%20High/student_webs_09_10/game%20consols/xbox-360-controller-.jpg
Slide 15: http://fpvsystems.com/images/Videotx/CCDKiller%20Pan&Tilt.jpg
Slide 16: http://gadgetbuzz.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/64e678dbbZkBj_37157.jpg
Slide 17: http://applesectio.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/laptop.gif
Slide 18: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Breadboard_complex.jpg/220px-Breadboard_complex.jpg
Slide 19: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/cspg/electionacademy/2012/04/tangled_web_wellington_fl_dram.php

DUE Monday April 16: Presentation on Final Project

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 11:01 pm

Please be prepared to give a 20-seconds/20-slides presentation on your plans for the final project:

  • Prepare a Google Presentation or Prezi to give us a clear sense of your conceptual intentions and technical plans for the project
  • Include the following in your presentation: concept overview (text), technical plan (diagrams, sketches, photos), inspiration (links, images, artists), foreseen difficulties (technical, conceptual)
  • Bring your collection of objects to show and discuss

DUE: Wed April 11, 2012: “The Miniature”, chapter two of “On Longing”

Assignment,Description,Readings,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 4:50 pm
  • Read the 2nd chapter of Stewart’s On Longing titled “The Miniature”
  • Post your response as a three paragraph comment on this post; if referring to the text, please note the page numbers

Stephanie assignment 2

DUE Mon Mar 28, 2012

Please prepare a system using Max, a Teensy microcontroller, and the necessary components that performs the following:

  • A photocell controlling the position of a servo that rotates a small figure (e.g. a toy figure or animal, a fruit, a plant, a hairball, a sea urchin, etc)
  • Another photocell controlling the brightness of an incandescent light-bulb that create an animated shadow; for this you must find a way to arrange and fix in space: the light bulb, the object casting a shadow, and the screen onto which the shadow is cast
  • Another photocell controlling the speed at which a solenoid hits against some doohickey that makes sound, i.e.  your musical score. For this you must find a way to fix a solenoid in the upright position, so that after it strikes the doohickey bounces back down to its relaxed position

Additional credit give for:

  • Using any sensor besides a photocell
  • Creating a meaningful interaction among the three actors: the figure, the light, the sound

DUE Mar 28, 2012: twinkling LEDs and a sensor

Assignment,Description,Max,Techniques — Ali Momeni @ 10:35 pm
  • Make a circuit that allows you to connect four or more LEDs to a Teensy microcontroller on a breadboard
  • Make a circuit that allows you to connect one or more photocells/photoresistors to a Teensy microcontroller on the same breadboard
  • Create a Max patch that allows you to sequence the twinkling of the LEDs, in correspondence with the incoming sensor values from the photocell/photoresistor

I’ve uploaded the two Max patches from class today; feel free to use them, or parts of them to help you complete the assignment.


Takanori Aiba

Artists,Assignment,Description — Stephanie @ 2:01 am

DUE Mar 21, 2012: Short presentation on a miniature work

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 4:46 pm
  1. Choose a specific work that you consider related to the topic of “miniature”; animated/interactive/mechanical/gestural works preferred.
  2. Research this work: learn about its maker, philosophy, materials, concepts, goals
  3. Prepare a 5 minutes and 40 seconds presentation in the style of  Pecha-Kucha (20 slides, 20 seconds each).  Preserve the Pecha-Kucha format strictly!
  4. Embed  your presentation in a post to this site as a Prezi</a> or a Google Presentation, before you arrive to class on Monday March. 21.
  5. Be prepared to give your 5’40” presentation in class.
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