DUE Mar. 22, 2012: Software to install on your computer

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 8:32 pm

Please see the Software Page for instructions…

Final Critique: Monday May 7, 6-9pm

Assignment,Course Administration — Ali Momeni @ 5:15 pm

Hello all,

Our doodle scheduling indicates that this is the best time for our final critique will take place on:

Monday May 7, 6-9pm: Doherty C316a

In order to allow enough time for everyone, critique will start promptly at 6pm; your final project must be ready, plugged in, lit, working, and ready to document at the beginning of critique, i.e. by 6pm sharp!

If you prefer to set up your piece somewhere else in Doherty Hall to have more space, better lighting, or a better setting for documentation, please feel free.  Regardless of where you install, your work must be completed and installed by 6pm.

See you then!


DUE Wed April 25: 2012: pre-final final critique: Quick Crits!

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 5:37 pm

Please be prepared to show/tell you final project for a pre-final final-critique.
You should have

  • stage assembled
  • narrative/concept worked out
  • electronics wired/in bread board
  • detailed ideal of how the programming/interaction will function

Kinetics/Mechanics helpers

Laser Cutter,Reference,Techniques — Ali Momeni @ 6:48 pm

Check out:

  • Flying Pig / Robives: animations of many kinetic mechanisms for creating movement/gesture
  • Cornel Kmoddl: video catalog of kinetic mechanisms
  • Mekanizmalar: collection of simple and sophisticated kinetic mechanisms in video/animation
  • Woodgears: interactive gear designing website

Mapping as Composition: more advanced Max

Max — Ali Momeni @ 7:58 pm

The patches from class are here: animated-theater-6-11.2012

Intro to Rhino: A few commands that go far

Rhino — Ali Momeni @ 5:31 pm

NB Video. Jump forward to ~1:30 to begin!

NB 1.  When there’s a length or an option, you can type it (if you can)
NB 2.  Use a two button mouse, use a big/second screen (if you can)

drawing: (you can either click to draw or type the dimensions you want)

  • points
  • circle
  • line
  • rec
  • polyline
  • curve


  • length: length of line or curve
  • distance: distance between two points
  • area: area of a surface

geometric transformation:

  • orient: good when the thing you’re moving is asymmetric/sided/chiral
  • offset: scale and copy
  • scale1D: good for resizing lines
  • scale2D: good for resizing flat shapes
  • scale (you can indicate with numbers the scaling factor)
  • move
  • copy
  • arraycrv: orient and copy


  • loft: make connecting surface between two lines/curves
  • extrude
  • make2d: create 2d shape of selected surface, according to current view
  • unrollSrf: turn a volume into flat components
  • dupBorders: produce curve from boundary of a surface


  • explode
  • split: divides a line/curve/surface at a center point/line/intersective-surf/curv
  • trim: split + delete
  • extend
  • rebuild

make many out of one:

  • divide: dividing lines/curves into equal parts
  • rebuild: either turn cuves into lines or make ugly curves pretty curves


  • layer: show layers window (use many layers!)
  • show/hide
  • setPt
  • zs: zoom set, show you just the selected object in the active transport
  • join: make one curve out of many segements
  • group

DUE Monday April 16: Presentation on Final Project

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 11:01 pm

Please be prepared to give a 20-seconds/20-slides presentation on your plans for the final project:

  • Prepare a Google Presentation or Prezi to give us a clear sense of your conceptual intentions and technical plans for the project
  • Include the following in your presentation: concept overview (text), technical plan (diagrams, sketches, photos), inspiration (links, images, artists), foreseen difficulties (technical, conceptual)
  • Bring your collection of objects to show and discuss

Advanced Interactivity with Max

Max — Ali Momeni @ 10:57 pm

Here are a few places to search if you want to know whether something is possible in Max:

  • Cycling ’74 Forum: Many years of conversation among max users; use the Advanced Forum Search to see of someone else has come across your inquiry
  • MaxObjects.com: Excellent database of 3-rd Party development for Max; this are patches and externals made by people outside of Cycling ’74 that do cool and quirky things.
  • Jitter Recipe Books by Andrew Benson: A great set of “simple” Max patches for advanced video applications; excellent tutorials for advanced Jitter work.

Here are the patches I made in class today that demonstrate simple motion tracking controlling a LED, motion tracking for assessing activity in zones, sensor connected to playback speed and filter parameters of a sound file, sensor connected to servo with recording/playback i.e. memory.

Remember also to download the newest version of Maxuino; throw out the old version (alpha-12) and replace it with the new (alpha-13).  This version allows you to save the settings of your teensy (i.e. serial port, pin-mode, …).

DUE: Monday April 9, 2012: Freud’s “Uncanny”

Assignment — Ali Momeni @ 4:51 pm
  • Read the Signumd Freud’s  Uncanny
  • Post your response as a three paragraph comment on this post; if referring to the text, please note the page numbers

DUE: Wed April 11, 2012: “The Miniature”, chapter two of “On Longing”

Assignment,Description,Readings,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 4:50 pm
  • Read the 2nd chapter of Stewart’s On Longing titled “The Miniature”
  • Post your response as a three paragraph comment on this post; if referring to the text, please note the page numbers
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