Embed Videos

— Ali Momeni @ 1:23 pm

[thanks to Golan for hints]

For embedding videos into this blog, we are using the AB Video plugin, which allows you to embed YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion movie clips by entering a shortcode ( / / ) into the post area. See the original site for information and instructions for AB Video.  Here’s the redux:



Vimeo: 1. Enter the [vimeo clip_id="XXXXXXX"] short code into any post. clip_idis the number from the clip’s URL (e.g. http://vimeo.com/123456) 2. Optionally modify the clip’s appearance by specifying width or height, like so: [vimeo clip_id="XXXXXXX" width="400" height="225"] 3. Using empty values for either the width or heightattributes will cause AB-Video to calculate the proper dimension based on a 16:9 aspect ration. Example: [vimeo clip_id="12345678" height="300" width=""] or[vimeo clip_id="12345678" height="" width="640"]

Youtube: 1. Enter the [youtube clip_id="XXXXXXX"] short code into any post.clip_id is the id from the clip’s URL after v= (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LbpLRZwWtE) 2. Optionally modify the clip’s appearance by specifying width or height, like so: [youtube clip_id="XXXXXXX" width="400" height="225"] 3. Using empty values for either the width or heightattributes will cause AB-Video to calculate the proper dimension based on a 16:9 aspect ration. Example: [youtube clip_id="2LbpLRZwWtE" height="300" width=""] or [youtube clip_id="2LbpLRZwWtE" height="" width="640"]

Dailymotion: 1. Enter the [dailymotion clip_id="xdjrm7"] short code into any post. clip_id is the id from the clip’s URL (e.g.http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdjrm7_kylie-minogue-all-the-lovers_music#hp-v-v4) 2. Optionally modify the clip’s appearance by specifying width or height, like so:[dailymotion clip_id="XXXXXXX" width="400" height="225"] 3. Using empty values for either the width or height attributes will cause AB-Video to calculate the proper dimension based on a 16:9 aspect ration. Example: [dailymotion clip_id="12345678" height="300" width=""] or [dailymotion clip_id="12345678" height="" width="640"]


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