Max Patch for Sequencing with Line

Max,Techniques — James @ 3:13 pm

Andy Final

Mapping as Composition: more advanced Max

Max — Ali Momeni @ 7:58 pm

The patches from class are here: animated-theater-6-11.2012

Advanced Interactivity with Max

Max — Ali Momeni @ 10:57 pm

Here are a few places to search if you want to know whether something is possible in Max:

  • Cycling ’74 Forum: Many years of conversation among max users; use the Advanced Forum Search to see of someone else has come across your inquiry
  • Excellent database of 3-rd Party development for Max; this are patches and externals made by people outside of Cycling ’74 that do cool and quirky things.
  • Jitter Recipe Books by Andrew Benson: A great set of “simple” Max patches for advanced video applications; excellent tutorials for advanced Jitter work.

Here are the patches I made in class today that demonstrate simple motion tracking controlling a LED, motion tracking for assessing activity in zones, sensor connected to playback speed and filter parameters of a sound file, sensor connected to servo with recording/playback i.e. memory.

Remember also to download the newest version of Maxuino; throw out the old version (alpha-12) and replace it with the new (alpha-13).  This version allows you to save the settings of your teensy (i.e. serial port, pin-mode, …).

iPhone/iPod Touch to Tilt-Pan Servo through Teensy/Max

Max,Microcontroller — Ali Momeni @ 10:37 pm

<pre><code> ———-begin_max5_patcher———- 1817.3oc0alsaaiCE.8YmuBBg4wjTtos91f9AzAnCv7vjAEzxLwr0VxPhJKs n+6CWjcjSohkskXT.R7hrL08d3k2MJ+yKlELu3QdU.3if+ELa1OuX1LygzGX Vy6mErl8X1JVk4zBxJVulmKCtz9YR9iRyw+6h5rke9KeBbaQIPrYYQN+Ch+p XAv7AfaxYYY7Uq3kEq4RdYEPV.jhUxq1vxAYr07RFnhWdeQ01gdkHmmUTmaF ebyAEKLWsh4e6pvjsm4sE4xb0PX9n+rTvV09SpD+v7InzqgoIzXTymsojWoz DlTTj+0RdlzhAD7Z3k.bh9QXyCf+q46jWuVjuhKMr.87AKpkaOJb6vyjYKE4 20ZnCiziWr9ARjYrCQ5AW+E90EWne3xdNMjyePwfsp48rxc5eMIhBgDDJ92l iX0xBkXIKCbPy3CSSqVJeZC2pOAAW15+cPZOniuF1e1Q6lcnT30gJfgIFtkp eCFdhzqKiX1sJSSP05hBo9x6BSQGoQ2y5eG1azThVWhhnifEGkXvUTpwxCAQ Fa6gFay4pE87cbyE1BGdrgzXS+zngsPLbHv19qU2QspL1JtRnAH0e33qUuzE 4Hmx5xiZsXjS7fdE7.MlrDqIKBFN13AZHjK5PmdzAmz3gugN3yhNaDYxpUhE bmNswcpjB85T6S6T2MrRlI56W44r4q3sWErmNicpy3CpyT6JEDDt6oA0QiNg AWX.M3dWHTS.FR7H3cAQMdWnolbLrAzFbexpzpbQJ3ISpySmU1Gg6TYx3DF5 GNTXZxPaZfaVPmDMBlFXXjEPFWp5LVGAN8jKNEOzbBQZ3znrDh3AN8nKNE8V s.xCJrbIGbytJ4tInoNN.ayFfnRUdV9BkPAxqmuVWAmHGn+FME8slIuD7fPt zbPMYTi0GTU883S+3l.mE0QcvWxPaGRhM9bRFi7DIIFa7TiKbTrYzivC9rhh 8J1ntpUf4kJIvfdkPNWOKbqphZKx4xGJJ+tKiV7ajQKJ0vmHaftnyKSn07pJ 1c7eiOM1XpoUbLAFi.WAuNFFmlRzuJIjj9bmBZCE3Xj5XWNCCMlHwoG1HDer 4ahnI5XqHqqArMeBTxvXE1tyBcYfdSvxhGZp964U5sPMIc3q9ylicnIMsgN3 RSqFrlsma0eqqWIE6mAelRWWvjr1RWabE+5MbYmZtnj8vFN66uvBo6j7qTJu 7I6wvOeLErThr8RXybuEK6XFHI0XKSIgmpeUb+aagUnzoM6qofj2OSA3vzwa JXWKPNyofSuiajAuiaw1LBzsRb3cdPro89l2wMR3aTL+F.LP8N61UEpqrK86 T5KlZzXl1hLmor05UeQNcF8ZsKAEY6hs8InuCvfdG3cKhPsAXnif2MBNZHCv zUKL0SJ5MTR+uKaX3IaCeTsvjbzoTFGZ1ShDSv83wo+tG.N3zIJbrU6MLr43 W6heOjYRnM4ATX33s1cnxL4U29gqP61+Am1nQ9rFRyo.Hzdr0zG8lVfTEmqa PK13s05Vbb1QmCgzvo2N5X229ggMclPCl9llPSWFc1ZgIvwHJ71A2VC4YlFT 2fkLIAq0E4HAVU9kd.r32wofaWSOLDpyN2VWlCXfUhJIPjqugmVVxUUsw0Zq jusEt88FdB+Vs4cXX6F3hrzRmW9PFcnNeCK66.azAmgFPImi81Kdw.b2JQNz t0fs4+jjNJ889H62MJdzCrdBstN11yZaNbogmUqqmWKkEt5EBJrSEbeuP8XR GcvMkrwyNFNF4PUuPEOIiKtmCRfPnKkc7uggNZxXWNX6mdZ5XvkO+kOcUoRX 3flsCxEYvm5s33.PG7gnCJxVyDx2a2.pucC5.EOdJEJhs6HVupo43yBhR11m 2cqGQTOBVnG.64gnzgjPclnX5637DQ1behs2yRiUpzwu+al8vPnN2j+vOvxY qJt6eJEJm7+Ax0M2lGaFCIsIWXzHri9aIZTrsCWzyJsnNQJ8vHk5QjhSFQjt cY7Hiz6pEt5y+zKy6Xydel.sMgvz6uSlFc+aQQcZ0h7heiSu33siYN5nhbhl NIM6qo61+YDASE7u3WSkY.0Gee.VUTWlsUA196uA7r09BdkTjaVhz5jz2HMs NokhEK34scvuPTo84a3Iz4TYekGcVgGVdfdSddwkxs7D6OwgzW7fmXxCZ5Lc Q727EpOxC1eKudwkxs7LwDGBZZs7xHz3Il73mkWg8Qdz+5f7k7P6q73I64v9 HOT+IOQ8QdH9ycXeren9KbQ+x1HYhEtHYZYOifSK6Yj+hWf6k+4H+IO39HOg 9ydNYuPkcHOT+JOnCIOD+JOGb9xewuP8w9AkLwjmX+EunOq2Q3oU7Tj+Vu2m lI3OooOEW3OeO8IUU+E4JbRIMjQTZrsHisYy87xplgzHHAqYeqnb2clWvZQt 8slQLnjeuX64SuPOZ+5h+GjQ8SiL ———–end_max5_patcher———– </code></pre>

mini joystick to Teensy to max

Max,Microcontroller — Tags: — Ruby @ 8:03 pm


Andy assignment 2

DUE Mar 28, 2012: twinkling LEDs and a sensor

Assignment,Description,Max,Techniques — Ali Momeni @ 10:35 pm
  • Make a circuit that allows you to connect four or more LEDs to a Teensy microcontroller on a breadboard
  • Make a circuit that allows you to connect one or more photocells/photoresistors to a Teensy microcontroller on the same breadboard
  • Create a Max patch that allows you to sequence the twinkling of the LEDs, in correspondence with the incoming sensor values from the photocell/photoresistor

I’ve uploaded the two Max patches from class today; feel free to use them, or parts of them to help you complete the assignment.


DUE Mar 26, 2012: Download and Install Software

Assignment,Max,Software — Ali Momeni @ 5:12 pm

I’ve created a page called Software under the instructions heading; you will also find it in the right column of our blog.

Please follow the instructions in that page to download and install all the necessary software for your computer before arriving to class on Monday Mar. 26, 2012.



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