
Assignment — adambd @ 8:15 am

Ruben Broman & erik erikwahlstrom



Matt Richardson

Descriptive Camera 


InstaCRT is a project that allows users to stylise iPhone photos with a “real” filter.  photos taken with an iPhone are sent to a 1″ CRT screen in Sweden, a DSLR takes a photo of the screen and sends the image back.

The Descriptive Camera is a camera that sends whatever photo you take with it to “amazon mechanical turk’ – users are asked to describe what is in the photo. The camera then gives a printout of the users description.

These two projects have a few things in common and these elements all combine to make them compelling. 1. They play with distance and time. your photos are digitally sent somewhere in the world to be physically processed by a man or machine before being sent back to you. Variability also plays a role – you can imagine that the current lighting conditions in the artists studio (instaCRT) would affect how images are processed – so too there will be obvious variability in the way an image is interpreted by different people (or the same person at a different time)  with the interpretative camera.


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