Coraline – Skye Lim

Artists,Assignment,Submission — Skye @ 6:15 am

Florian Junge: Steel Sculptor

Artists,Assignment — Rosey @ 2:12 am

Takanori Aiba

Artists,Assignment,Description — Stephanie @ 2:01 am

The Library Phantom

Artists,Assignment — Jolyn @ 1:50 am

help why won’t it embed?
because you hadn’t copied the entire code from prezi…

DUE Mar 21, 2012: Short presentation on a miniature work

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 4:46 pm
  1. Choose a specific work that you consider related to the topic of “miniature”; animated/interactive/mechanical/gestural works preferred.
  2. Research this work: learn about its maker, philosophy, materials, concepts, goals
  3. Prepare a 5 minutes and 40 seconds presentation in the style of  Pecha-Kucha (20 slides, 20 seconds each).  Preserve the Pecha-Kucha format strictly!
  4. Embed  your presentation in a post to this site as a Prezi</a> or a Google Presentation, before you arrive to class on Monday March. 21.
  5. Be prepared to give your 5’40” presentation in class.

DUE Mar 26, 2012: Stewart’s “On Longing”

Assignment,Description — Ali Momeni @ 4:39 pm
  1. Read the Prologue and first chapter On longing by Susan Stewart (1984)
  2. Write a three paragraph response to this reading refers to three specific ideas, trends, trajectories, or elements in the text
  3. Post your response to this blog as comments to this post


Shadows, movements, obsessions, automata

Artists,Reference — Tags: — Ali Momeni @ 4:32 pm






Student Works


Course Administration — Ali Momeni @ 4:08 pm

Hello and welcome to 3D Media Studio II (Animated Theater).

Links to relevant resources for the course as well as student contributions and discussions will be posted on this blog.

Please begin by viewing the syllabus page.

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