Slide 5: mass effect:
Slide 11:
Slide 12:
Slide 13:
Slide 15:
Slide 16:
Slide 17:
Slide 18:
Slide 19:
The patches from class are here: animated-theater-6-11.2012
NB Video. Jump forward to ~1:30 to begin!
NB 1. When there’s a length or an option, you can type it (if you can)
NB 2. Use a two button mouse, use a big/second screen (if you can)
drawing: (you can either click to draw or type the dimensions you want)
- points
- circle
- line
- rec
- polyline
- curve
- length: length of line or curve
- distance: distance between two points
- area: area of a surface
geometric transformation:
- orient: good when the thing you’re moving is asymmetric/sided/chiral
- offset: scale and copy
- scale1D: good for resizing lines
- scale2D: good for resizing flat shapes
- scale (you can indicate with numbers the scaling factor)
- move
- copy
- arraycrv: orient and copy
- loft: make connecting surface between two lines/curves
- extrude
- make2d: create 2d shape of selected surface, according to current view
- unrollSrf: turn a volume into flat components
- dupBorders: produce curve from boundary of a surface
- explode
- split: divides a line/curve/surface at a center point/line/intersective-surf/curv
- trim: split + delete
- extend
- rebuild
make many out of one:
- divide: dividing lines/curves into equal parts
- rebuild: either turn cuves into lines or make ugly curves pretty curves
- layer: show layers window (use many layers!)
- show/hide
- setPt
- zs: zoom set, show you just the selected object in the active transport
- join: make one curve out of many segements
- group
Please be prepared to give a 20-seconds/20-slides presentation on your plans for the final project:
- Prepare a Google Presentation or Prezi to give us a clear sense of your conceptual intentions and technical plans for the project
- Include the following in your presentation: concept overview (text), technical plan (diagrams, sketches, photos), inspiration (links, images, artists), foreseen difficulties (technical, conceptual)
- Bring your collection of objects to show and discuss
Here are a few places to search if you want to know whether something is possible in Max:
- Cycling ’74 Forum: Many years of conversation among max users; use the Advanced Forum Search to see of someone else has come across your inquiry
- Excellent database of 3-rd Party development for Max; this are patches and externals made by people outside of Cycling ’74 that do cool and quirky things.
- Jitter Recipe Books by Andrew Benson: A great set of “simple” Max patches for advanced video applications; excellent tutorials for advanced Jitter work.
Here are the patches I made in class today that demonstrate simple motion tracking controlling a LED, motion tracking for assessing activity in zones, sensor connected to playback speed and filter parameters of a sound file, sensor connected to servo with recording/playback i.e. memory.
Remember also to download the newest version of Maxuino; throw out the old version (alpha-12) and replace it with the new (alpha-13). This version allows you to save the settings of your teensy (i.e. serial port, pin-mode, …).