Another really cool embroidery artist: Emily Katz

Artists,Reference — Sam Ticknor @ 1:28 pm

Really really beautiful embroidered illustrations.

Does work on several types of fabrics and also embroiders material like paper, which allows her to incorporate watercolors and other materials not as suited for fabric pieces.

Embroidery by Stephen Sollins

Artists,Reference — Sam Ticknor @ 1:14 pm

This artist has a really cool process for his embroidery works:

He “unworks” cross-stitch samplers, and then re-works the ground fabric in the same number of stitches and colors as the original composition (a ghostly outline remains).

I really appreciate both the aesthetic and the process of his work.

Making and Unmaking

Artists,Reference,Uncategorized — Nicole Anderson @ 6:30 pm

A couple artists using fabric and sewing:

For some straight up lovely embroidery: Allison Watkins. Love the slight irony of embroidering images of fabric onto fabric, as well as just the aesthetics of this (thin, tenuous linework, etc.)

A slightly more process based artist using fabric: Ilysia Van Deren

She did a whole series of these handkerchiefs. Her statement is as follows:

How-To documents the process of ripping and re-sewing vintage handkerchiefs by hand, sometimes repeatedly. The projected video exposes a neurotic, obsessive process that is simultaneously mesmerizing and unsettling. The process acts as a means of releasing internalized experiences and frustrations, making the modification of each piece of fabric a uniquely personal and cathartic act. The hyper-detailed scanned images act as a document of the destruction; each fiber, tear and sloppy stitch on display for examination. Forever altered, these objects take on new identities. The act of repair becomes an integral part of a continuous cycle of destruction and reconstruction, of tearing down and building up.

Super into how process based this is, and the idea of destruction as construction (currently a Very Relevant Theme in my work)

There is also a video piece that goes with it:

How-To from Ilysia Van Deren on Vimeo.

Also a fan of this series by her:

More embroidery stuff

Assignment,Reference — carolinavogt @ 3:03 pm

This website is also a good reference

Queen of embroidery

Artists,Reference — carolinavogt @ 2:59 pm

Here are some of Jenny Hart’s embroideries.

Other Inspirations

Assignment,Reference — Jean Kwon @ 12:21 pm

This piece is done in the 17th floor lobby of the Hilton Pattaya Hotel.

And this piece was done by Adrianopoulos and Associates.

playing with sensors

Technique — lindsay cavallo @ 1:21 pm

spent the weekend making this little contraption

Inspirational Artists for Soft Sculpture: Yuko Takada Keller

Artists,Reference — Hojae Jung @ 1:12 pm

Sewing Project Inspiration

Assignment,Description — Melissa Bryan @ 12:50 pm

With the theme of “domesticity”, I’m more interested in what makes something a home, namely the comfort found from the family that lives within.  As with most of my work, I look to natural forms for inspiration.  Many things nestle together in cozy clumps, forming a sort of “family” whether they’re genetically related or not.

This clumping , much like hugging or cuddling between humans, provides the support and comfort of a family unit.

Throughout my life, I have felt rather excluded from any family-like clump, whether one between friends or actual family, I have always felt on the outside.  Through my piece I want to create a clump of sewn objects bound together by many threads, with one object so loosely bound that it’s falling far away from the main clump, to give that individual object a feeling of loneliness, rejection, and abandonment.

Mandy Greer

Artists,Reference — Nicole Anderson @ 12:30 pm

Mandy Greer is the bestest. I saw her knitted installation in Seattle and it was wonderful. They are sort of community projects, she has groups of people make piece of her larger works, and the end result is a very intimate handmade effect. Pretty much, it’s awesome. Her website is not super organized, but you can see it here.


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