Final Project proposal

Assignment,Description,Reference,Theory — Sam Ticknor @ 12:36 pm

The general theme of my final project is human interaction with others.

I know that I want to make a video piece but I have two ideas on the subject matter.

One idea, is based off of the mathematical Ramsey Theory, specifically the impact of Ramsey theory on the Theorem on friends and strangers, which can be read about here:

I was thinking either embroidering or molding the heads and making the video piece of the lines being stitched, or tied.


My other idea was to create, using molding, knotting, and sewing, a 3D environment that is just as detailed and particular at a large scale as it is at a small scale. I would then incorporate a similar idea to my knotting project, and bring in some animals and humans to interact with each other and  the environment. I would film this experiment.

Theory of Effort

Reference,Theory — Tags: — Ali Momeni @ 4:49 pm

Laban Movement Analysis, named after French/Hungarian dance artist and theorist Rudolf Laban.

Diagram by Ali Momeni

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